nephews aita niece family - 15355141

Is it Bad to Favor One Niece or Nephew Over the Others? This Aunt Does

Aunt favors her niece over her other niece and nephews
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aita university Professors - 15353861

University Student Gives it Straight to Her Professor and Tells Him He's Delivering Bad Service to His Customers

Girl calls her university professor out on his lack of interest in teaching.
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revenge friends petty revenge petty pub - 15407109

Girl Gets Her Nemesis Kicked Out of the Pub in the Pettiest of Revenge

Girl gets girl who hates her kicked out of pub.
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aita drama family - 15256325

Husband's Sister Leaves Fake Pregnancy Test In Woman's Room; Gets Kicked Out of House

Wife kicks her husband's sister out of her house when she discovers that she left a fake pregnancy test in her room.
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Tumblr thread shines light on the real world benefits of the arts | mnwood have ever told y'all about greatest moment my academic career freshman college and had this history teacher who edgy~ and his hotness level on ratemyprofessor off charts and he first teacher ever heard use word "fuck anyway he would do this thing every so often where have quiz" and first two questions were

Tumblr Thread: Real World Benefits Of The Arts

Knowledge is never wasted.
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ridiculous spelling failures

Brutal Spelling Failures That Make Us Rethink People In General

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Lady claims to know an apartment manager, and gets swiftly disproven. | Lady claims know owner way she scurried away proves lie Medium Hey there! Not hotel story, but worked as leasing agent an apartment complex few years owner fantastic guy, but he always super late every meeting and never had any keys building on him. One day, he needs come by and pick up some tax stuff, but naturally he is running really late and my manager couldn't stay wait him. So l'm waiting him after hours with door

Lady Claims To Know Apartment Owner, Gets Swiftly Outed

Pretty dang satisfying.
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Blursed images that are both cursed and blessed | a whole unpeeled banana squeezed into standing upright in the slot of a suggestions box

Blursed Images That Are Cursed And Blessed

Delightful and twisted all at once.
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pro revenge teaching revenge Reddit - 15987717

Clever Professor Tricks Cheating Students Into Thinking They’ve Gotten Away With Plagiarism, Then Destroys Their Hopes and Dreams

This professor is teaching the class in petty pro-revenge.
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Things Americans saw in other places that made them realize they were somewhere different. | Not_Harv_anyway 23 hours ago Standing small grocery store Okinawa, Japan could see top shelves.

Times Travelling Americans Realized "I'm Not In The U.S."

Different places sure are different.
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Resilient trees growing in and through many things | tree growing out of a SPEED LIMIT 25 sign branches coming out from the top of it | small tree plant growing from a crack in the pavement

Resilient Trees that Don't Give A Heck

They are literally incapable of caring.
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Double-take images caused by strange perspective | man looking as if his head is sticking out from a green bag on top of a container | mugs hanging on a wall looking blurry

Real-Life Illusions of Double-Takery

Eyes are kind of easy to trick.
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10 text based reddit images dad clean plate club debacle | thumbnail blue background "Dad had a rule of you couldn't leave the table if you still| had food on your plate, didn't matter if you didn't like it ... "We don't waste food in this house!"

Annoying Dad Takes 'Clean Plate Club' Too Far, Fed Up Kid Takes Advantage Of Loophole

Relax, dad
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reasons people walked out of job interviews

Justified Reasons People Walked Out Of Job Interviews

That's enough of that.
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Dog on farming equipment says "Oh Yeah"

Dog Lets Out an "Oh Yeah!"

Oh Yeah.
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Woman gets ex neighbor's car towed because they keep parking in her spot. | AITA having my ex neighbors car towed because they kept parking my spot 21F) live right on edge my cities downtown. Parking is scarce, or should say, FREE parking is scarce lived an old house converted into 8 apartment units, and had its own mini parking lot with 8 spots tenants had neighbor (F) who got job working nights few blocks away our apartment which worked out great because she could just walk work and didn't

Woman's Ex Neighbor Keeps Parking In Her Spot, Gets Their Car Towed

The parking drama never ends.
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