pro revenge revenge - 15988485

Vandals Get Justice Served When They Meet an Indestructible Mailbox

What happens when a very stoppable force meets an immovable object?
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Tumblr story about a dog learning to herd a lawn roomba | gallusrostromegalus So one my neighbors has lawn Roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing trundles around looking like background robot background original trilogy, and ABSOLUTELY BAFFLING DOGS. They have concluded think s some kind prey animal because right after this video ended they decided crouch down and stalk which means 90% sure going have stop Arwen eating at some point.

Tumblr Thread: Dog Figures Out How to Herd Lawn Roomba

She went full sheep dog.
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Spiteful Brother Schedules His Wedding On the same day as sister

Spiteful Brother Schedules His 'Shotgun' Wedding On the Same Date As His Sister's Wedding

Spiteful Brother Schedules His Wedding On the same day as sister
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People describe the most wholesome things that they've seen | flowercrownrugged 319d 3 1 Award forgot plate waffle making machine at college and went sprinting across dining commons get one because timer about go off and ran straight toward plates and this guy standing there and his immediate gut reaction open his arms and hug have no idea who he and waffle didn't burn. EDIT hugged glorious. 4.3k

Most Wholesome Things People Have Seen

Sometimes humans are awesome.
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funny history memes | Medieval wars movies: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Have at thee, varlet Charge! Medieval wars reality just gonna sit here two years And sit out here two years. Huzzah! Read room Jerry. | Socrates: Do not write things down written word will turn brain mush! Plato: NOTED

History Memes For The Ages

A lot of things have happened.
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aita relationship relationships - 15353605

Guy Gives the Hard Truth to His Hypocritical Fiancé When He Teaches Her About Mutual Tolerance

An intolerant fiancé gets called hard on her hypocritical actions when she judges her partner's family for the way they live.
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13 text based reddit images surrounding story of op | thumbnail blue background,  My (28m) parents tried to cancel the wedding with my fiancé (25f) the day before my birthday and over the time we were celebrating Christmas. M IN SUMMERY: We went home to celebrate my birthday and Christmas, while my family said they would help pay for our wedding which ended in them staging an "intervention" that would have broken us up and left my fiancée homeless.

Unreasonable Parents Demand Son Cancel His Wedding, Leave His Fiancé, And Drop Out Of School

Entitled parents strike again
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figures of speech | dalekitsune phrase "curiosity killed cat" is actually not full phrase actually is "curiosity killed cat but satisfaction brought back" so don't let anyone tell not be curious little baby okay go and be interested world uwu consultingmoosecaptain See also: Blood is thiekerthan water blood covenant is thicker than water womb. Meaning relationships formed by choice are stronger than those formed by birth | espurr-roba Let's not forget Jack all trades, master none" ends with "But

Insightful Tumblr Thread Breaks Down Meanings Of Different Figures Of Speech

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objects that look like they have faces or look like other stuff | statue of a furnace that looks like a face with a burning mouth | rock covered in moss in the shape of a dog

Inanimate Objects that Look Like Other Stuff

There's personality everywhere!
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aita marriage cooking - 15406597

Wife is So BAD at Cooking That Her Husband Has to Ask Her to Stop

Guy asks his wife to stop cooking because she's so bad at it.
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A wholesome and hilarious post about a funny dad.

Tumblr Thread: A Wholesome And Hilarious Dad

Lucky kid.
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weird kids at camp worship me boy, incarnations of a zucchini | glumshoe can't do justice one weirdest camp stories know. My friend tells so well, and can offer only pale shadow his story. Last summer, he working with one younger units comprised ten year old boys. They had spent night camping on another beach and were just readying themselves depart Make sure have all things called my friend Don't leave anything behind!

Tumblr Story: The Saga of "Me Boy" The Camp Zucchini

Alright then, sure.
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Funny forbidden snacks that look like food but aren't | things that look like food but are inedible pringle on a bathtub edge | tree trunk folded into itself Cinnamon Stick

Delicious Looking Things that Aren't Actually Food

"Is that a Pringle or a sponge?"
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Funny Tumblr Thread on the Spice that Han Solo was smuggling | vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow prokopetz Follow know Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like 's this big scary drug, but kind like imagine s basically just space weed, and only reason Han got trouble with Imperials over Jabba's cargo is he evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If just looking at mentions original trilogy, is there evidence 's even drug and not something put on bland food make taste like something

Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

Spice. Not even once.
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nephews aita niece family - 15355141

Is it Bad to Favor One Niece or Nephew Over the Others? This Aunt Does

Aunt favors her niece over her other niece and nephews
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aita university Professors - 15353861

University Student Gives it Straight to Her Professor and Tells Him He's Delivering Bad Service to His Customers

Girl calls her university professor out on his lack of interest in teaching.
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