obvious and stupid things people didn't realize for a long time

Painfully Obvious Things People Didn't Realize For Way Too Long

Every moment can be a learning experience.
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boss antiwork manager malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses - 16156933

Essential Engineer Fired For His New Supervisor's Malicious Mistake, Hired Back On Steep Contract Rate When Company Faces Millions in Losses

He should have asked for more!
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Client tries to screw an employee over by locking them out of the system, and it totally backfires.

Client Tries To Screw Employee Over By Locking Them Out Of System, Totally Backfires

Serves 'em right.
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antiwork employee manager workplace Horrible Bosses pregnant - 16100357

Insane Boss Tries to Fire Woman For "Being Pregnant", Police Get Involved, Meltdown Ensues

Are we surprised that a politician would pull something like this?
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An entertaining Tumblr thread about how literary coincidences can end up getting authors in hot water.

Tumblr Thread: Literary Coincidences Get Authors In Hot Water

Those best guesses can end up being quite risky.
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ask reddit relationships exes dating - 15201029

People Share the Craziest Things Their Exes Did After Breakups

What is the craziest thing your ex did after a breakup?
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An entitled mom wants a goldfish snack and ends up getting turned down.

Entitled Mom Wants Goldfish Snack, Gets Turned Down, Pitches Fit

Enough is enough.
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neighbors revenge petty neighbor - 15200261

Dad Gets Nuclear Revenge On Neighbors After They Ruin His Son’s Birthday Party

Guy gets extremely petty revenge on neighbors after they pop his son's basketball
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A collection of funny moments from various people on Twitter.

Twitter Gems Tweeted From Twitter's Twitterrific Tweeters

Every now and again the Tweeters deliver.
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movies askreddit FAIL Movie - 15199749

20 Amazing Movies That Had Terrible 'Dumpster-Fire' Sequels

People share movies that had terrible sequels
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People describe the absolute dumbest reasons that companies ever ended up firing them.

The Stupidest Reasons Companies Fired People

These folks are far better off.
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Guy gets back at medical billing company

Guy Gives Doctor's Billing Company the Same Treatment They Gave Him and Costs Them a Client

Beautiful work there, man.
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Dad kicks out disrespectful "cool girl" from daughter's party | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by trway21423 12 hours ago AITA kicking out girl my daughter's sleepover bday party? My (34M) daughter (14F) had sleepover b-day party last saturday, and she invited 5 girls her school. There this one girl she invited who could tell her attitude spoiled brat she rang doorbell, she walked looking down at her phone, didn't greet or my wife, and handed her jacket without even looking up

Dad Kicks Entitled "Cool Girl" Out of Daughter's Birthday

And the internet weighed in.
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Twitter reacts to Dr. Royal Burpee inventor of the burpee exercise

Twitter Discovers Dr. Royal H. Burpee, The Actually Real Inventor Of Burpees

He was a real dude.
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great resignation coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses big quit coworker - 16429829

Coworker Tries to Get IT Guy Fired, He Turns the Table On Them With Secret Evidence

Did it not raise red flags that she was involved in multiple harassment cases?
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Video of Man Avoiding Citizenship Question at U.S. Border By Talking About the Bible Goes Viral and Sparks Hilarious Controversy

Video of Man Avoiding Citizenship Question at U.S. Border By Talking About the Bible Goes Viral and Sparks Hilarious Controversy

A better question than ‘Are you a citizen?' is ‘Are you saved?’
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