insane boss manager anti work workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit tiktok great resignation - 16443397

Insane Company Suspends Worker For Not Participating in “Mandatory” Company TikTok

Say “Mandatory Company TikTok” and try to keep a straight face.
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Minecraft player destroys kid's diamonds for no reason

Minecraft Player Reveals Their Most Vile, Underhanded Act

Our faith in humanity was dug up and then buried deeper.
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cool archeology history egypt interesting egyptian - 16442373

A 3,200-Year-Old Attendance Record Has Been Making Rounds of the Internet and You’d Be Fired For Missing Work For These Reasons Today

“Yeah, sorry for missing work yesterday. We were too busy mummifying Grandma.”
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liminal space twitter thread

Dude Live Tweets His Foray Into Creepy Liminal Space

It doesn't make sense in there.
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boss manager malicious compliance anti work supervisor workplace work reform big quit social issues - 16442117

Manufacturing Line Worker Flips the Script on Supervisor

You’ve activated my trap card!
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teens aita teenagers parenting dating - 16442629

Cruel Mother Allows Boyfriend to Punish Her 16-Year-Old Son, Forces Him to Babysit Boyfriends Kids When He’s Supposed to Be at Work

You could at least pay him for watching the kids.
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Woman Dedicates Her Entire TikTok Account to Calling Out Her Creepy Karen Neighbor

Woman Dedicates Her Entire TikTok Account to Calling Out Her Creepy Karen Neighbor Controversy

The woman says she started the account to help her keep record of everything her crazy Karen neighbor is putting her family through. Now, her TikTok viewers are heavily invested in the dramatic saga.
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guy eats wife's food photoshoot and doesn't understand why she is mad

Manchild Eats Wife's Photoshoot, Wonders Why She's Mad

It's an open and shut case.
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boss antiwork manager malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit - 16441861

Boss Makes Employee Work During Lunch Break, Tells Them Not to Eat Off Break

Isn’t that illegal?
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boss jobs employee satisfying work quit lol - 16431877

Satisfying Times People Quit An Unreasonable Boss

The catharsis is real.
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strange things people found in public bathrooms

The Most Out-Of-Place Things People Found In Public Bathrooms

Well that doesn't go there.
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aita marriage brother relationships family sister children dating - 16378117

Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

How many "accidents" can you have?
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malicious compliance pro revenge revenge - 15176197

Bank Won't Let Guy Withdraw All His Funds So He Decides to Drown Them in Perpetual Transactions

Rather than putting up with account closing fees 'Creepy-Analyst' decides to make perpetual $0.01 transactions.
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funny pun businesses

48 Funny Pun Business Names That Chose Cleverness

How about a math tutoring center called Quotient Tangentino.
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wedding engagement - 15176453

Jerk Step-Brother Hijacks Engagement Party With His Baby's Gender Reveal

Step-brother decides to announce his child's gender at his siblings engagement party
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obvious and stupid things people didn't realize for a long time

Painfully Obvious Things People Didn't Realize For Way Too Long

Every moment can be a learning experience.
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