sketchy choosing beggar tries paying in exposure and gets rejected

Sketchy Choosing Beggar Offers Pay In Exposure, Gets Treated Like The Clown He Is

Interesting strategy, dude.
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wife promises son car, disappointed husband buys him a gaming console instead

Entitled Wife Promises Her Son A Car, Disappointed Her Husband Doesn't Buy One

Really, lady?
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disproportionate amount of hate things received

People And Things That Got A Disproportionate Amount Of Hate

Retrospect is an interesting thing.
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funny blursed images

25 Blursed Images Of Concerning Hilarity

There's definitely something going on here.
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Neighbor lets her dog attack a package handler because she didn’t want to yell in front of her angels

Insane Neighbor Lets Her Dogs Attack a Delivery Driver Because She Doesn't Want to Yell In Front of Her Children

There are crazy, terrible neighbors… and then there's Jackie.
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Company didn't want to pay me a fair wage and the day after I quit, it cost the company around $40 Million.

IT Guy Underpaid at 29k Per Year, Leaves and Costs the Company $40 Million

This underpaid IT professional waited years for fair treatment from his bosses. The work doubled and then tripled, but the pay never reflected his efforts. He wouldn't prove how essential he was to the company until he left… and cost them $40 Million. Redditor u/slw_motion_trainwrck shared this story to the r/antiwork subreddit. A subreddit that seeks to raise awareness about workers' rights and increase visibility on the issues and mistreatment people face from poor employers. Commenters and c…
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Woman is the Only Passenger on a Flight to Norway, Befriends the Flight Attendant, Gets to Sit in the Cockpit, and Goes Viral on Tiktok

Woman is the Only Passenger on a Flight to Norway, Befriends the Flight Attendant, Gets to Sit in the Cockpit, and Goes Viral on Tiktok

She lived a serious *main character* moment and everyone on TikTok is jealous, but enjoy watching the show.
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You're going to assign me to make balloon animals at a site with no kids? OK, I'll just do my job

Malicious Compliance: Balloon Artist Inexplicably Assigned to Bar With No Children Makes "Lewd Balloon Animals" Instead

When this balloon artist upset the wrong person, they found themselves repeatedly assigned to a location lacking the usual clientele. To the establishment's horror, they decided to take matters into their own hands and began making lewd balloon animals, which were a smash hit. Redditor u/Shaftway shared this story today to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. A subreddit where people share stories about “People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.” As evident in the…
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Biologist Consultant Whose Job is to Yell at Construction Workers to Not Harm Frogs Goes Viral

Biologist Consultant Whose Job is to Yell at Construction Workers to Not Harm Frogs Goes Viral

Known as the “Froggie Biologist," his purpose on construction sites it to make sure wildlife is respected.
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AITA for gifting my mom and her husband a book on cheating for their anniversary?

Dejected Son Gives Adulterous Mother and Step-Father a Novel Centered on Cheating for Their Anniversary

This teenage son still hasn't forgiven his mother for her affair when he was ten years old. So, when she married the man she had been cheating with, he gave her a book on cheating for their anniversary. This week, Reddit user u/IGaveTheBook turned to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit seeking advice and insight on his actions. Contributors often post to this subreddit for third-party insight into their issues, asking readers and commenters whether or not they are the a-hole in the situation. u/IGave…
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funny tweets from twitter

Funny Tweets From The Wide World Of Twitter

It's big.
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woman takes of prosthetic leg to make parking lot bully look stupid

Entitled Guy Tries Bullying Woman Out Of Disabled Parking Spot, She Shows Him The Stump

Loud and clear.
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strange creepy things people witnessed

Creepy Unexplained Things People Witnessed In Broad Daylight

Uh, alright then.
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Lunch is only an hour? No problem

Boss Insists on Precise Lunch Breaks, Employee Forced to Be Less Efficient to Comply

An employee who had been going out of their way to take care of an inefficient task during their lunch break was reprimanded for going over their lunch hour. When they informed their boss what they had been doing, they were met with a stone wall of stupidity and indifference. This left them with no option but to do the task in the usual inefficient manner, thus extending the overall time away from their desk. Redditor u/The-Golden-Ranger shared this story to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit.…
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funny tinder tinder relationships online dating funny dating - 16579077

Modern Day Shakespeare Writes Incredible Sonnet, Internet Amazed

This guy knows how to get it.
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scary and weird warning signs

Terrifying Signs That Make Us Want To Turn Around

Don't go in.
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