Entitled angry mom doesn’t want my floor fixed (3ft-3ft hole by my bed)

'Your mom is nuts': Unhinged Mom refuses to fix huge hole in kid's bedroom

‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

Young Karen gets a taste of her own medicine.

'You've got to be effing kidding me': Young Karen faces off with old lady at amusement park

'Lady, you are living under my roof': Entitled stepmother insults woman's deceased mother, sets off chain reaction that divides family

'Lady, you are living under my roof': Entitled stepmother insults woman's deceased mother, sets off chain reaction that divides family

AITA for calling my soon-to-be-MIL an insecure b****?

'It’s not my Mom’s fault that she’s an insecure b****': Woman lashes out at future Mother-in-law for taking over her wedding

‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

Catloaf and Unalaska, Alaska: 20+ Deeply weird Wikipedia entries

Catloaf and Unalaska, Alaska: 20+ Deeply weird Wikipedia entries

Brave Man Types 'Joel Osteen Surrounded By Fire' into an Art Bot and the Results are Nightmare Inducing

Brave Man Types 'Joel Osteen Surrounded By Fire' into an Art Bot and the Results are Nightmare Inducing

UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

AITA for removing the door to my son's room indefinitely?

'You were screaming like a harpy and it was annoying': Enraged Mom removes son's bedroom door as punishment

Top Trending Relatable Memes and FAILS That Perfectly Capture Adulting

Top Trending Relatable Memes and FAILS That Perfectly Capture Adulting

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

'Here's what it's like to meet the worst person you've ever met in your entire life at a party in L.A.': Woman shares how entitled influencers actually treat people

'Here's what it's like to meet the worst person you've ever met in your entire life at a party in L.A.': Woman shares how entitled influencers actually treat people

cringe mom facebook posts

'Cringe Mom Facebook Statuses': Woman Reads Them Like a Dramatic Monologue in a Soap Opera

UPDATE: AITA for telling another gym member to wear a bra?

Update: 'The manager gave him a 30 day ban': Fragile gym bro demands woman wear a bra, she suggests the same, he gets banned