Blue Collar Workers are Sharing Hilarious and Accurate POV's on TikTok

Blue Collar Workers are Sharing Hilarious and Accurate POV's on TikTok

It's hard work, but you gotta be able to laugh at it sometimes, just to stay sane.
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ruined wedding stories

People Share Times They Attended A Ruined Wedding

There's a spectrum.
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aita teacher parenting - 16914437

Irate Mother Stands Up For Daughter When Teacher Turns Her Harassment Into "Lesson"

I'm willing to believe that this teacher didn't understand the full context of the situation. When you're constantly handling and overseeing the disagreements of 30+ students it's easy for the antagonists and antagonized to all blur together into a milkshake of “He said, She said” statements. With that context and understanding in mind, it becomes fitting to apply the generalized “lessons” to the entire involved group. From the teacher's perspective, how do you even know that one particular stu…
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antiwork Horrible Bosses - 16913925

Food Service Worker Fired For Refusing to Come in to Work While Sick, Had Doctor's Note

This fast-food worker sent their sick note to their boss to let them know that they would not be at work that day. To their surprise their boss texted them back, telling them that they needed to find someone to cover their shift or still work it themselves.
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funny history memes

History And Mythology Memes That Still Aren't A Great Substitute For Reading

Good enough though.
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new principal tells teacher to quit job, so they quit teaching job

New Principal Tells Teacher To Quit Second Job, Quits Teaching Job

Do the math.
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funny not my job moments

Not My Job Moments Of Unprofessional Absurdity

Close enough.
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boss employee manager Horrible Bosses - 16886021

Incompetent Boss Reprimands Top Employee For Working Too Hard, Employee Quits, Boss Doesn't Know What to Do

Imagine having this fragile of an ego.
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popular survival myths

Survival Myths That Could Be More Deadly To Follow Than Not

Oh cool, confusion.
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aita parenting - 16906501

Parents Disown Child, Contact Now-Adult Child Years Later Asking For Money

"You reap what you sow."
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antiwork Horrible Bosses Reddit - 16906757

Company Asks Employee For Help a Month After Laying Them Off

Like having your partner break up with you and then hit you up for a booty call a few weeks later.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People Who Made Everyone's Day Worse

Thanks, lady.
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funny parenting memes

Parenting Tweets For The Ones Out There Doing Their Best

Good work, probably.
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aita friends relationships wedding - 16905989

Terrible Maid of Honor Drops Out of Friend's Wedding When Brother Reveals His Secret Love

This Maid of Honor decided to drop out of her best friend's wedding at the last minute after the Maid of Honor's brother revealed that he had been secretly in love with her friend for years. Her friend and her brother had had a fling six years prior, just before her friend had met her now-fiancé. The brother never got over being dumped by the friend and his revelation has caused his sister to betray her friend of twelve years. This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) by the Maid of H…
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funny art history memes

Art History Memes To Pontificate Upon And Guffaw At Heartily

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antiwork Horrible Bosses - 16906245

Graphic Designer Receives Scathing Email From Ex-Boss When She Quits on First Day After Being Told to Steal Art

Sometimes you miss glaringly obvious red flags during the interview process. Sometimes the interviewer is entirely dishonest about what you can expect to find in your new role. Then, once you start working, you are suddenly faced with the horrifying reality of what you just signed on for. The best thing to do at this point is to walk away and not fall into the losing game that is the “sunk cost fallacy." If you're getting that feeling in your stomach that early on then you will be doing everyon…
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