neighbors entitled neighbor - 17180165

Neighbor Harvests Woman's Entire Herb Garden After She Kindly Offers Some

"No good deed goes unpunished.'
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Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

Sometimes it's not that easy to figure out who the actual Karen is in certain situations…
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Dude Calls Out Anyone Who Claims to be Able to Speak Backward, Proves Why They are Actually Full of It

Dude Calls Out Anyone Who Claims to be Able to Speak Backwards, Proves Why They are Actually Full of It

It's hard being gifted
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aita parenting babysitting - 17179397

Parents Surprised Babysitter is Upset They Have Been Secretly Recording Her, Wonder if They're Wrong

It really should go without saying that you should never record someone without their knowledge, regardless of the location or circumstance. It doesn't matter if that person is in your home. No matter what, that person is going to feel violated and betrayed. (An obvious exception to this rule is if you or someone else is in a possibly dangerous or threatening situation.) So, yeah, if you're recording a guest in your home without their permission, don't be surprised if that person is upset when…
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creepy things men did

23 Women Share Things Men Have Done That Creeped Them Out Without Realizing It

It's weird out there.
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front desk guy shows facts to cheap guest

Lying Husband Blames Employee For Cheap Room, Gets Destroyed By The Truth

Good one, dude.
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Woman Reenacts Exactly what it's like Conversing with that One Coworker with No Boundaries, and it's Painfully Accurate

Woman Reenacts Exactly what it's like Conversing with that One Coworker with No Boundaries, and it's Painfully Accurate

I am not the long term solution
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funny tinder tinder top-tinder-moments toptindermoments online dating - 17169157

The Top Tinder Moments of the Week (June 7, 2021)

Welcome to this week's top Tinder ‘Moments’, a collection of the hottest trending Tinder memes, profiles, and conversations that have been viral online over the last week. As always, there's a heavy dose of fresh content but the occasional ‘classic’ tends to inevitably pop up too (looking at you one-armed girl.)
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aita pregnancy family - 17168901

Sister Gets Kicked Out After Cruel Comments About Lost Pregnancy

There are just some thoughts that should never leave your head. Some of these thoughts can be cruel intrusions, but others can be something that you might want to get sorted out. A commenter offered a really helpful strategy for gauging whether we should let a thought out of our head that I think all of us should stop and reflect on before we speak. "There is the suggestion to THINK before you say something. That is, is what you are going to say T rue, H elpful, I nspiring, N ecessary, & K ind.…
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Karen Exercises her Right to Scream Nonsense at Poor Starbucks Worker, Proudly Exclaims "It is Not Illegal to Yell Here"

Karen Exercises her 'Right' to Scream Nonsense at Poor Starbucks Worker, Proudly Exclaims "It is Not Illegal to Yell Here"

Never heard someone yell with such cadence
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stepmother aita drama family daughter Father - 17168645

Bad Dad Demands Son's Graduation Money Back to Give to His Step-Child

Imagine trading out your own children for the child of your new spouse. That's the kind of cruel reality that is hard to envision, but the reality is that there are those of us out there who have had to experience this very thing. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/Cheap-Tour9949. She explains that her father has repeatedly let her down, and as a result, the two have a “rocky” relationship. After her parents split, he remained a good parent unti…
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aita neighbors malicious compliance neighbor - 17168389

Neighborhood Kid's Bake Sale Sparks Drama When Neighbor Demands Half the Earnings Despite Fronting Nothing

Conflict emerged when this neighbor's kid demanded that he receive “half the money” from a bake sale when he decided he was bored and wanted to go home early. He wasn't even willing to stay the full duration and put in the work in order to earn his part of the cash. The other kid responded that this wasn't fair and that they should split the money earned for the duration that the neighbor's kid had worked. This prompted the neighbor to march over to this family's house, complaining that it wasn…
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funny design fails

25 Dumb Design Failures That Need To Think About What They've Done

Who dares carpet a bathroom.
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times someone was humbled

21 Satisfying Times People Witnessed Someone's Ego Get Crushed

Delicious smooshed ego.
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trashy behavior

25 Trashtacular Moments That Reek Of Garbage-osity

Oh baby.
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woman tricks in-laws into trying her cake pops to prove them wrong

Woman Deploys Cake Subterfuge To Prove Her In-Laws Are All Liars

This isn't baking, this is war.
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