entitled parent brings baby to wedding, doesn't see why they're in the wrong

Parent Brings Disruptive Baby To Child-Free Wedding, Doesn't Understand Why They're In The Wrong

That's some straight up cognitive dissonance right there.
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"they weren't kidding" stories

33 People's Dumbest "Oh No, You're Not Kidding" Moments

Uh oh.
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revenge ex voicemail debt - 17180421

Guy Gets Call From Debt Collector About Ex-Wife's Debt, Leaves Them 600 Voicemails as Revenge

Divorce is never final, whether it's because of the kids, ongoing financial disputes, or just fending off a salty ex, it's going to haunt you. That being said… there are those who have spit who somehow manage to make it work and still be friends and props to those people. They are gods among us. Well, this guy, Redditor u/Nerd_Law, is continuing to be haunted by his ex-wife, from who he split eight years ago. Not over children or hard feelings but certainly over her finances. He keeps receiving…
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malicious compliance Horrible Bosses karen - 17191685

Karen Demands Nonexistent Mystery Muffins, Manager Demands New-Hire Finds Them

Others shared similar stories on this popular thread.
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Family Visiting Thailand Accidentally Stays at a Brothel After Stubborn Dad Refuses to Use AirBnb

Family Visiting Thailand Accidentally Stays at a Brothel After Stubborn Dad Refuses to Use AirBnb

And then when they left the brothel to stay somewhere else, the dad picked a place infested with ants…
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funny tweets

Funny Tweets To Decimate That Clawing Boredom

The words help.
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aita pride month - 17169669

Woman Invites Her Partner to 'Girl's Night', Refuses to Let Any Other Partners Come, Gets Mad When Internet Tells Her She's Wrong

"YTA. Either partners or no partners. You can’t have it both ways."
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bride wedding - 17179909

Bride Upset Her Brother-In-Law Got Engaged at Her Wedding, Might Actually Be Wrong

This might be the first time that we've seen a story where someone has gotten engaged or otherwise stolen the thunder of someone else's wedding or event where we're going to have to side with the ‘thunder stealer.' The thing that usually is the issue in these situations is usually that you're using the gathering to take attention away from
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funny dungeons and dragons memes

27 Dungeons And Dragons Memes To Snatch Like A Rogue

Time to roll the dice.
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employee told to forget everything they know, can't help boss when everything falls apart

Employee Fired, Told To Forget Everything They Know, Blows Up In Ex-Boss's Face

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neighbors entitled neighbor - 17180165

Neighbor Harvests Woman's Entire Herb Garden After She Kindly Offers Some

"No good deed goes unpunished.'
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Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

Sometimes it's not that easy to figure out who the actual Karen is in certain situations…
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Dude Calls Out Anyone Who Claims to be Able to Speak Backward, Proves Why They are Actually Full of It

Dude Calls Out Anyone Who Claims to be Able to Speak Backwards, Proves Why They are Actually Full of It

It's hard being gifted
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aita parenting babysitting - 17179397

Parents Surprised Babysitter is Upset They Have Been Secretly Recording Her, Wonder if They're Wrong

It really should go without saying that you should never record someone without their knowledge, regardless of the location or circumstance. It doesn't matter if that person is in your home. No matter what, that person is going to feel violated and betrayed. (An obvious exception to this rule is if you or someone else is in a possibly dangerous or threatening situation.) So, yeah, if you're recording a guest in your home without their permission, don't be surprised if that person is upset when…
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creepy things men did

23 Women Share Things Men Have Done That Creeped Them Out Without Realizing It

It's weird out there.
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front desk guy shows facts to cheap guest

Lying Husband Blames Employee For Cheap Room, Gets Destroyed By The Truth

Good one, dude.
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