FAILS imgur airport security airport funny memes Memes funny - 19475973

25 Airport Memes and Fails for Travelers Stuck in the Security Line

What do you miss most about being a kid?

'I miss being in school concerts': 30+ Fail Blog fans reminisce about childhood's best and worst moments

The job that fired me then hired three people to replace me

'My boss had to hire two more people just to replace me': Nepo baby gets fired for breaking company policy, gets petty revenge

Wife holds her ground and calls out cheating husband who has been unfaithful to her with a mutual friend which she found out by hacking his Instagram account, Internet applauds her

'My gut told me to turn into Harriet the Spy...': Wife Suspects Husband's Cheating on Her With Mutual Friend, Pretends to Be Him on Social Media and Gets the Other Woman to Spill the Tea

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Wife gets fed up with her husband's relationship with his "close" friend Carl, the internet is suspicious of their relationship.

Vent after an inteview

'No point asking you anything else': Rude hiring manager makes interviewee cry after second interview

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied a $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

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'Work a double and get written up... or...': Every worker quits when manager tries to write them up for working a double shift to help out

AITA for cancelling my wife’s TV subscriptions?

'My wife subscribed to over 15 TV services': Wife steals husband's credit card to pay for streaming, husband retaliates and now marriage is on the rocks

live ring security camera system helps cops find the man they're chasing, he's hiding in a trashcan

'He's in my trash can!': Cops Catch Man on the Run After Woman Talks Them Through It Remotely on Her Security System

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

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Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

AITA for not accommodating my niece?

'Your SIL is an entitled parent': Party host gets yelled at by her SIL over food choices

20+ Stupid Food Fails

Top 25 Food Fails of the Week (February 24, 2023)

AITA for refusing to help my classmate after she accused me of mansplaining?

'She accused me of mansplaining': Teen refuses to work with study partner after she claims he's 'speaking to her [friend] like an idiot'

Apparently submitting assignments before the due date is considered “Late”.

'A deadline is a deadline': College student gets late penalty despite turning in paper early, professor goes on power trip and refuses to reverse decision