'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

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'I deactivated the PS4, cleared the console, and sold it': Guy motivates a freeloading roommate by sabotaging the communal gaming console

workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22478085

'[I got] fired because I wouldn't pet [a] customer's dog': Contractor gets fired for not petting a client's dog when client lies about the exchange

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

air travel aita airports airport airplanes airplane karens reddit story etiquette reddit thread karen kevin - 22460165

'Was I in the wrong?': Tall angry dude insists that he deserves woman's airline seat that she paid for

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs tell all about the biggest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs share the biggest, funniest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

customer service karens server karen-customer customers restaurant server life entitled reddit thread Reddit tales from your server entitled people - 22441221

Top Tales From Your Server (October 2, 2023)

'This went on for months, with no explanation': Team leader wants morning meetings to begin on time, employees start meeting without him

'This went on for months, with no explanation': Team leader demands morning meetings begin on time, employees start meeting without him

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

customer support customer service workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace - 22459909

'No problem': Belligerent customer insists on being refunded for their own mistake

'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company won't pay him back for one train ticket

'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company refuses to pay him back for one train ticket

‘The heavily soaked ceiling caved in… I had to act’: Tenant gets even with landlord after complaints about leaks during rainy season are met with silence

‘The heavily soaked ceiling caved in… I had to act’: Tenant fills basement with garbage bags before vacating, after complaints to landlord about leaks during rainy season that were met with silence

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'It was petty, but it felt good': Navy pilot buys a car just to spite an arrogant fleet commodore

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions at his company are no longer based on merit,  starts doing the bare minimum

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions are no longer based on merit, starts doing the bare minimum

‘I won't pay for this': Choosing beggar demands seller pay for item delivery because ‘they live too far away’

‘I won't pay for this': Choosing beggar demands seller pay for item delivery because ‘they live too far away’