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'A seafood restaurant should not smell fishy': 25+ Restaurant workers explain the red flags hiding in plain sight while dining

'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

'Double-petty came into play here:' Bus driver happily passes notorious regular running late, passenger then attempts pettiness but the joke was really still on him

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'[The worker] got a pay stub for about 15 paychecks': Manager figures out executives are cheating workers on overtime, gets it all back

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

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'Tough luck, you were 2.5 hours late': Habitually tardy friend gets 'ditched' at boys night after being insanely late for their plans; friends have a great time without him

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

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'[I was] called a Karen': Cashier freaks out on customer trying to correct a wrong order

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'i am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'I am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client fired by boss

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client gets fired by boss

‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

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'I've already started applying for jobs': Overworked worker denied a raise despite high performance and initative

'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

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‘I don’t think I should have to put my life on hold': Parents implore their son to delay proposing to his girlfriend; determined loverboy finds wholesome support online

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'$1 for a muffin after I hosted her for three nights': Infuriating friend sends $1 payment request to their disgruntled host