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'Her biggest pet peeve was when people used "they"': Student complies to teacher's grammatical demands

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

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'I pulled 60 quarters out of my pocket and set them on the counter': Restaurant cashier complains about credit card transactions, prompting one of her regulars to teach her a lesson about the inconvenience of cash

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'Cue mass resignations and missed deadlines': Owner antagonizes own lawyer over sale of company, lives to regret it

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

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‘They paid me $50,000… So, I [quit] and found more’: Company who denied a raise has to contract ex-salesforce admin back for 3x his old salary because they can't retain a new employee for more than 3 weeks

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'Since I left, profits are down 44.7%': Irreplaceable retail employee gets written up for going above and beyond; retaliates by doing only the bare minimum, watching the store descend into chaos

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‘I've been employed here 17 years… Ok Karen': Blue collar and white collar employees share a laugh at a tantrum-throwing Karen who's demanding they pay her $150-$250 parking ticket

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'This is not the woman I want to marry': Single father has a life-changing wakeup call after spending $300 on gear for his athletic daughter, then getting reprimanded by his freeloading fiancé for failing to get her kids 'gifts' too

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'It was glorious and the first 30 people in line thought so too': Bossy host scolds bartenders and gets instant karma

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'I slept on the couch of horrors': Guy who regularly sleeps on his couch discovers over 70 spiders living underneath

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'It's my house... I can do what I want': Wannabe early-bird roommate hits snooze from 5AM to 6AM everyday; roomie gets payback by getting up immediately and being as loud as possible

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'We spent over an hour chewing through 17 packs of gum': Girl gets petty revenge on bully by covering his truck's interior in gum

'If someone tells you they had 10 crazy roommates [...] they are the crazy roommate': 30+ red flags to watch out for when choosing who to live with

'If someone tells you they had 10 crazy roommates [...] they are the crazy roommate': 30+ red flags to watch out for when choosing who to live with

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences

'Sorry, you removed my access to all those files': Employee requests to extend company access after last day, incompetent boss ignores him and endures the consequences