'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

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'I can't be the only one who thinks it's crazy for my husband to buy his ex a house': Woman won't let her husband buy a house for his ex-wife; family makes her out to be the bad guy

'He screamed "freedom" at the top of his lungs, while walking out the door during the busiest part of the day': 20+ Quitters who left their jobs in the funniest ways possible

'He screamed "FREEDOM" at the top of his lungs, while walking out the door during the busiest part of the day': 20+ Proud quitters who left their jobs in the funniest ways possible

'She never throws anything away': 30+ annoying quirks significant others do that drive their partners crazy

'She never throws anything away': 30+ annoying quirks significant others do that drive their partners crazy

Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

'I’m hanging up now': Daughter pays for father's expenses, he keeps cutting their calls short, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

'I’m hanging up now': Daughter pays for father's expenses, he keeps cutting their calls short, she gets even by cutting off his electricity

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'[Your] manager is always SHOUTING': Civilized employee refuses to type in all CAPS; manager commits keyboard sabotage in an attempt to force him to comply, which backfires gloriously

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'AITA for asking her to cover this bill?': Girlfriend poisons dog with grapes, her boyfriend won't split the bill

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'No outfits that are frightening to dogs': Concerned neighbor writes bizarre list of Halloween rules to 'avoid a repeat of last year's Halloween'

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'[Don't] charge senseless, greedy fees': Landlord charges tenants $10/month to pay rent online; thrifty tenant mails a paper check instead, forcing the landlord to go to the bank every month

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'I don't even get a chair': Restaurant manager won't let hostess sit following surgery

'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in school's lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

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'I followed the travel policy': Worker exploits company's travel policy loophole to book more expensive tickets and fly first class

'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

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'All crying stopped': Wholesome airplane pilot saves a woman's toddler from having a meltdown on a flight, restoring faith in humanity

'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'

'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'