'They don't care about me, why should I care about them?': Company man gets passed over for promotion, discovers quiet quitting after 11 years at the cimpany

'They don't care about me, why should I care about them?': Company man gets passed over for promotion, discovers quiet quitting after 11 years at the company

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'The [department] racked up eight-figure losses': Logistics company forces out the only worker who manages overseas suppliers

'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she steals $4,900 watch, discovers she's been stealing for a while and selling their stuff online

'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she stole $4,900 watch only to discover she'd been selling their stuff online for a while

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'HR is NOT on your side': 30+ adulting moments that are the grown up versions of learning Santa Claus isn't real

'HR is NOT on your side': 30+ adulting moments that are the grown up versions of learning Santa Claus isn't real

'He is bug eyed and asked me how many tickets I was planning on submitting': Data analyst is denied access to their database, sends IT team help desk tickets for each of their 400+ clients

'He is bug eyed and asked me how many tickets I was planning on submitting': Data analyst is denied access to their database, sends IT team help desk tickets for each of their 400+ clients

'Don't waste your time [swiping] right': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (November 5, 2023)

'Don't waste your time [swiping] right': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (November 5, 2023)

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‘Guess who's getting billed 16h of work for a 15 minute meeting’: Customer pays their consultant 100x more than expected after requesting a meeting that could have been an email

'The landlord is very upset': Landlord insists engineer tenant fix their own appliances without realizing how much the tenant is billing him

'The landlord is very upset': Landlord insists engineer tenant fix their own appliances without realizing how much the tenant is billing him

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'You don't care? You can go not care at a different spot:' Restaurant manager fires server in front of coworkers, internet actually applauds him for it

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'Ever since then I’ve had this terrible feeling of disappointment and betrayal': Veteran worker finds out their new coworker, who they are senior to, is actually making more than them

'Management has Zoom background of their office to pretend they're at the office': Employee calls out hypocritical bosses after enforcing return to office

'Management has Zoom background of their office to pretend they're at the office': Employee calls out hypocritical bosses after enforcing return to office

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'Another woman exposed her affair with the husband': Online neighborhood argument accidentally exposes terrible neighbor's affair

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After a Particularly Lengthy Bathroom Break a Boss Forces His Employee to Take PTO to Cover Time Lost; Hilarity Ensues in the Comments

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'He tried to fight... [so] I got security involved': Entitled parents at a metal concert bully the crowd into letting their small children squeeze to the front; woman puts the dad in his place

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'In the end, I got the last laugh': Woman holds steady when her "friend" tries to swindle her; years later, she discovers vicious retaliation in the desserts freezer