work workplace toxic worker employee bartender barback boss bosses manager text texts screenshot fired quiet-firing quitting

'Am I getting fired?': Passive aggressive boss roasts his bartender before quiet firing her over a text; she scores a new non-toxic job

'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Managers who leveled accusations against their employees

'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Mindless managers who leveled wild accusations against their employees

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious person leaves note telling neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious Halloween hater leaves note demanding neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'No OT without manager approval': Retail worker uses OT policy to his advantage, leaves mid-shift once he hits 40 hours to go to the movies

'No OT without manager approval': Worker uses OT policy to his advantage, leaves mid-shift once he hits 40 hours to go to the movies

work workplace coworkers coworker employee boss manager christmas christmas-party party host company company-party childfree event children mom baby babies maternity moms parents

'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

karens entitled parents karen-customer heather culture heather karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people air travel aita parenting air Parenting Fail airplane - 23010821

'[The kids] basically cried the whole way': Entitled mother doesn't understand why other airline passengers are upset with her noisy kids, thinks it's worse for her

'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Clueless customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

r-sysdamin, tech-workplace, employee-story, funny-IT-employee, job, manager, upper-management, manglement

‘I answer him in 30 seconds… One hour OT’: Tech employee fed up with antiquated 9-to-5 uses it to his advantage and costs the company way more

petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 22815749

'They still haven't found the non-existent box': Storage facility charges guy for imaginary box, he makes them find it

'Even a free meal isn't worth the frustration': Children of Karens share their worst experiences in public with their parents

'Even a free meal isn't worth the frustration': Children of Karens share their worst experiences in public with their parents

antiwork talesfromtheworkplace tech support talesfromtechsupport technology it IT guy Horrible Bosses Tech workplace stories employment - 22993669

'It ended up costing them more money': IT Guy told to be at his desk from 8-5 despite after hours callouts, starts billing all his overtime instead, quits

witty-aunt, funny-aunt, karen-shutdown, witty-roast, witty-burn, funny-roast, funny-karen-roast, witty-karen-roast, best-aunt, aunt-cookie, r-entitledpeople

'I giggle-snorted and laughed until my side hurt': Aunt in remission from cancer epically shuts down a Karen within seconds and gets the entire function snickering

'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

'I want to retake this test': 25+ funny exam mistakes from students who clearly did not study

'I want to retake this test': 25+ funny exam mistakes from students who clearly did not study

boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers cars driving human resources workplace parking - 22971653

'I parked in their space... somebody else got jealous and tattled to HR': IT worker conspires with their boss to snag a good parking spot through malicious compliance