quitting-is-fun, rage-quitting, loud-quitting, walking-out-on-the-job, entitled-manager, taken-down-a-peg, the-audacity, jobs, reddit, failblog

‘Who do they expect to put up with that for mere pennies?’: Drugstore employee gets reprimanded for taking 3-minute bathroom break, quits on the spot

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Frustrated customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

aita student loans brother sibling rivalry sister-in-law siblings entitled reddit thread Reddit roasted money parents - 22969861

'I paid for his education': Entitled woman throws shade at blue-collar in-laws by telling her kids to stay in school, brother-in-law gives the ultimate comeback

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22896133

'[I] stormed out of the office': Worker told that they won't be getting their annual raise despite overachieving performance

'I didn’t check my emails for seven weeks': Boss pressures employee to 'stay on top of things' during his paternity leave, employee puts his foot down

'I didn’t check my emails for seven weeks': Boss pressures employee to 'stay on top of things' during his paternity leave, employee puts his foot down

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work programmers workplace developers employment in the workplace - 22994693

'I never offered any solutions to that company again': Egotistical boss overrules software developer's plan with their own, leading to their quiet quitting

bus-karen, NYC-bus, nyc-transit, Mta, public-bus, public-transit, karen-on-public-transit, funnny-new-yorker, arabic-new-yorker, english

'I've never felt so good. Like, wow!': Dude starts to get Karen'd on NYC bus when he switches from English to Arabic, pretends he doesn't speak English and hilarity ensues

work workplace toxic worker employee bartender barback boss bosses manager text texts screenshot fired quiet-firing quitting

'Am I getting fired?': Passive aggressive boss roasts his bartender before quiet firing her over a text; she scores a new non-toxic job

'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Managers who leveled accusations against their employees

'I was just accused of stealing water': 20+ Mindless managers who leveled wild accusations against their employees

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious person leaves note telling neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious Halloween hater leaves note demanding neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'No OT without manager approval': Retail worker uses OT policy to his advantage, leaves mid-shift once he hits 40 hours to go to the movies

'No OT without manager approval': Worker uses OT policy to his advantage, leaves mid-shift once he hits 40 hours to go to the movies

work workplace coworkers coworker employee boss manager christmas christmas-party party host company company-party childfree event children mom baby babies maternity moms parents

'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

karens entitled parents karen-customer heather culture heather karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people air travel aita parenting air Parenting Fail airplane - 23010821

'[The kids] basically cried the whole way': Entitled mother doesn't understand why other airline passengers are upset with her noisy kids, thinks it's worse for her

'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Clueless customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

r-sysdamin, tech-workplace, employee-story, funny-IT-employee, job, manager, upper-management, manglement

‘I answer him in 30 seconds… One hour OT’: Tech employee fed up with antiquated 9-to-5 uses it to his advantage and costs the company way more