office-christmas-party, reddit, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people, entitled-coworker, office-holiday, office-white-elephant, office-grinch

'A white elephant? In THIS economy?': Employee cracks silly Christmas office joke, Karen coworker tries to slam him for it, but HR deems it the 'company's usual permitted shenanigans'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses introverts coworker employment in the workplace - 23070725

'We're coworkers, not friends': Introverted coworker gets their wish after ungraciously declining invitation

'You better cough up the dough': Bridezilla demands maid of honor purchase a dress she'll never wear again, divides Internet

'You better cough up the dough': Bridezilla demands maid of honor purchase a dress she'll never wear again, divides Internet

getting fired pro revenge boss fired petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Horrible Bosses workplace stories revenge-stories-reddit - 23089669

'I'll have your job by the end of the month': Corrupt advertising boss fires worker, worker takes boss's job

antiwork workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers toxic-boss entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people toxic-work-environment - 23055109

'[He] thought it was appropriate to call me at 10 p.m. to berate me': Workers retaliate after wage changes; boss blames the one employee who had no idea about it

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 18, 2023)

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 16, 2023)

'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

'I began doing this multiple times a day': Utility truck driver begins turning vehicle off at every opportunity

'I began doing this multiple times a day': Utility truck driver begins turning vehicle off at every opportunity after company berates them

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss manager supervisor pay paying payback malicious-compliance reddit ignorant phone bill

'His phone bill was $1,400': Company bean-counters ignore their field salesman's advice; their ignorance costs them $1,400 on their next bill

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs railroad job malicious compliance work workplace trains train employment in the workplace - 23089925

'If he had just taken my suggestion': New railway manager ignores veteran's suggestion creating a logistical nightmare

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Aunt returns Christmas card and pens note telling her nephew and his wife off

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Entitled aunt returns Christmas card and pens a scathing note telling her nephew and his wife that they should "be ashamed"

work workplace worker employee employees boss manager bosses ceo supervisor raise brag working wage money salary pay payday epic ultimatum petty revenge

'You'll need me... and when you [do] it'll cost you $200 an hour': Boss brags about his salary in front of a priceless IT tech; employee quits on the spot, agreeing to come back only if the boss pays him the same

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers askreddit job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23048965

'I don't hire people with beards': 20+ Candidates share the reason they walked out of job interviews

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

hoa neighbors terrible company malicious compliance neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23090437

'I acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy collects massive pile of leaves from neighbors to get back at collection company