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'More than 2 of the wait staff are crying': 30+ Red flags at a restaurant that should have you immediately turning around and leaving

'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

'We were late and the movie theater wouldn't move [the] time': Top Spooky Karens of the Week (October 31, 2023)

'We were late and the movie theater wouldn't move [the] time': Top Spooky Karens of the Week (October 31, 2023)

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Quirky customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

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'We probably got 30 meals free': Friend group cheats the system at a fast-food chain and gets a massive haul of free food

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'The last straw was my laptop': Wife loans out her distressed husband's things and they never come back, he takes money to replace them

'"My team's not a bunch of maintenance men': Trade worker defies contractors orders to shovel snow and packs up 'everything on the site'

'My team's not a bunch of maintenance men': Trade worker defies contractors orders to shovel snow and packs up 'everything on the site'

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'It was such sweet revenge': Scorned renter costs 'corporate monster' that bought their mobile home lot thousands of dollars required in 30 days

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'Got asked to make it 4 weeks notice, then got fired': Worker agrees to extend their notice period after finding new job before being fired on the spot

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

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'I pretended to be a recruiter to troll a former workplace bully': Worker gets revenge on Karen coworker by pretending to be a recruiter offering her a better job

'Her toenails were so long': 30+ petty reasons why people rejected their significant others

'Her toenails were so long': 30+ petty reasons why people rejected their significant others

Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal won't let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal refuses to let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

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'No real man wants to disappoint their mom': Manager lets a 22 year old employee rush home during his shift to hide contraband from his mommy in a wholesome act of understanding