'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident asks for advice with parking issue

'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident infuriated by people parking in their driveway

New York parking is no joke. It's a battle at the best of times. If driving stresses you out, don't ever drive in New York City ! It's super stressful, and it's nearly impossible to ever find parking. Even in Brooklyn, where traffic tends to be lighter, parking problems still arise. One Brooklyn resident shared that they live near the beach (Maybe Coney Island? It's a popular tourist spot, though the OP didn't specify). Random people will constantly park in the OP's driveway. It must be infuria…
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bride Crazy Brides wedding reddit thread bridezilla Reddit - 20422405

'It’s the one day for it to be all about me': Bride fires Maid of Honor over worry that she'll get pregnant before her wedding

We've seen plenty of stories where folks lose their minds in the wedding planning process.
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'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from airline passenger

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from passenger over airplane etiquette

No one ever agrees about this debate. Depending on where you're sitting on the plane , your point of view changes on this too! The evergreen debate being had on r/AmItheA**hole is from a frustrated husband who recently flew with his wife. It seems like the trouble started right from the beginning of their flight . The dude behind the OP's wife was playing a game on the in-flight TV, meaning that he was jabbing at the back of her head! If that wasn't annoying enough, the OP's wife was really sle…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job toxic-boss Office reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20412421

'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

Who knew that paperclips had such power? This office manager decided they were sick of being underappreciated at work. They explained how their job basically included being receptionist, payroll, office manager, assistant, etc. all in one position. Not exactly sustainable and not exactly fair. It turns out that their boss had an unruly habit of finding office issues for OP to handle, so OP developed ways to subtly get their revenge without any consequences. One way was to lower the length of th…
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karma instant-karma justice road-rage road-rager parking-lot flipping-off public-freakout petty-revenge revenge cart shopping-cart honk honking

'Instant Karma': Road rager learns a lesson after flipping off the wrong ladies in the parking lot, gets a shopping cart to the bumper and a taste of justice

Road ragers are acting like they're not blind with rage at the slightest inconvenience and swerving wildly at the drop of a hat just because they watched Fast and Furious once. Newsflash buddy, you're driving like an absolute donkey and you're a danger to society. In this case, a road rager actually got a bit of karma after messing with a couple of sisters in a parking lot.
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karens entitled customer talesfromretail bike shop 1-star-reviews retail customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers entitled karen customer support customer service karen-customer retail-stories - 20459269

Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

This is precisely the type of thing you encounter while working in a bike shop. Of all the customer service roles you could ever work, working in a bike shop will confront you with some uniquely bewilderingly entitled experiences. The idea of “you haven't done enough for me for free” will somehow recur time and time again as 1-star reviews bombard you for going out of your way to help someone who doesn't understand how much they don't understand about their bike. Bonus points here for being bla…
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20 Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 9, 2023)

20 Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 9, 2023)

Imagine buying an entire gallon of bright pink paint, only to have it spill on the register as you're paying for it. This person doesn't have to imagine, because they not only did just that, but they also angered the manager of the store. I wonder if they had to pay for the paint, because they did technically use it, if only to give the self-checkout a makeover. That person shared the most annoying moment of their day to r/mildlyinfuriating, home of many, many, tiny irritations. One person igni…
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‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

Customers demand an unholy amount of attention, clearly under the impression that they are the center of the universe and their every need must be doted on. Unfortunately for these Karens, they aren't the boss of everyone else. This Karen customer sent a feisty email to OP, who was the manager of an employee who made a simple mistake in delivering the wrong internet item to said Karen. OP offered his apologies and told the customer he would return the item at the company's expense, plus ship th…
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antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story workplace employment toxic-work-environment - 20384261

'[He was] SUPER EFFICIENT and a valuable asset': Programmer fired for underperformance despite being the most productive, but quietest, on the team

You're not always going to agree with every decision your workplace makes… and it's especially gutting when that decision is to fire a well-liked coworker over stupid workplace politics. Maybe they got on the wrong side of one of the bosses, maybe they didn't support a foolish new direction or initiative, or maybe they were just the sacrificial lamb to make everyone sweat a little bit to keep them as productive as possible and keep them toeing the line. The fact is that watching a coworker get…
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FAILS karens list choosing beggars entitled funny entitled people choosing beggar - 20419845

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 9, 2023)

It remains baffling how demanding choosing beggars can be. Every week, there’s another seemingly desperate person who ends up making the most entitled demands despite having absolutely no right to do so and no power In the situation. But let’s remember that there’s nothing like pride when it comes to transforming a beggar into a choosing beggar. Keep scrolling below for this new collection of the top five choosing beggars from this past week. For more compilations like this, here are some top K…
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karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge malicious-compliance-reddit quit horrible boss workplace Horrible Bosses terrible-management - 20197125

'Sure thing boss': Insurance worker told to just do their job, makes sure customers are covered

At some point in your life, your boss might ask you to do something that isn't entirely ethical (and possibly not entirely legal either), and it will be up to you to decide whether you will obey that demand. But, when your boss inadvertently gives you the authority to go against the business's policy and do the right thing, you might be more than happy to comply—especially if you don't like your job all that much in the first place. That's the chance that this worker had at the medical insuranc…
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'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes for Gen X

'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes that only Gen X will totally understand

The “latchkey generation” will understand these memes all too well.
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FAILS school students jokes teacher Memes pranks funny - 20419589

20 Teacher Mishaps and Pranks

If this doesn’t serve as proof that teachers should be paid more, I don’t know what else could. These teachers not only did their jobs, but they brought a sense of humor that clearly made going to school genuinely enjoyable for them and for their students. From clever extra credit assignments to Pi-day mustaches to Yearbook pranks and Halloween costumes (stay tuned for the Despicable Me -inspired look), these teachers deserve a round of applause for their commitment alone. Sure, we all had a fe…
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'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 Stories of awkward scenarios

'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 People who got stuck in super awkward scenarios

These people shared the most awkward situations they've ever been in, and it's giving us second-hand embarrassment. Awkwardness is pretty unavoidable in life, no matter how cool you think you are. A lot of people shared stories from their childhoods and teenage years , which, let's face it, are certainly some of the most awkward years of ones' life . For some reason, dealing with meal times while with friends has caused a lot of uncomfy situations for people. It's probably because teens eat a l…
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entitled parents mother airport flight entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20414469

'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst

We've all been on flights where families try to negotiate with other passengers so they can sit together.
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