'It got worse when I left for college': Older Brother Gets Even With Younger Brother for Helping Himself to Things in His Room

'It got worse when I left for college': Older Brother Gets Even With Younger Brother for Helping Himself to Things in His Room

Siblings, you can't live with them, and you can't live without them. As a sister, I can attest to the various obstacles one might encounter when dealing with a sibling. I would never let anyone hurt my precious baby brother, but I do get a kick out of annoying the heck out of him. One person took some sweet revenge on his younger brother. The story begins with an account of a frustrated older brother who has reached his breaking point. The brother takes matters into his own hands and decides to…
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'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

Maybe you aren't brave enough to share what happened on your worst day of work , but these anonymous workers are. At any company, the big bosses have to allow some room for mistakes. There will always be human errors as long as humans are employed. For many people, when they mess something up, their immediate reaction is to try and hide it from their boss. It seems like that worked out in some cases for these employees! What your manager doesn't know won't hurt them (as long as they don't find…
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work workplace coworker employee employees boss bosses intern scandal office holiday holiday-party party office-party office lawsuit hr report scandal

'Get your boss fired': During the office holiday party, an employee catches his boss canoodling with an intern, causing a debate on the difference between blackmail, leverage, and legit honesty

Holiday parties are often filled with merriment, spiked holiday punch, and a lot of glittery clothing. When partying with your friends, there's no risks, but when you're at the company-sanctioned holiday party, the blend of corporate pleasantries and boozy free drinks don't mix well… And quite frankly, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
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games RPG malicious compliance tabletop games funny story gaming RPGs fun story video games dungeons and dragons - 23363589

'We outsmarted an ancient Red Dragon': DND players outwit dungeon boss with nerdy malicious compliance

Role-playing games offer us a chance to escape our own perspective within a structured world with a unique set of rules by adopting a new perspective within a structured world with a unique set of rules—and what's not to enjoy about that? After all, there are plenty of people who play games that are essentially chore simulation machines, and pretty much all games in some way seek to simulate the effects of completing important tasks by tapping into the reward centers of our brains. So, with all…
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'Imagine [making] an award to give to yourself every year?': CEO pays for his own annual award ceremony, demands standing ovation

'Imagine [making] an award to give to yourself every year?': CEO pays for his own annual award ceremony, demands standing ovation

Narcissists will always find a way to make everything about themselves, especially when the narcissist in question is your boss. We have all had the experience of working for someone who is just a bit too into themselves. I remember being warned about specific rules of formality around my first boss back when I was stuck in an unpaid internship in my late teen years. All this kind of behavior did for me was it taught me exactly what kind of work environment to avoid. However, sometimes it's com…
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funny workplace stories workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work ceo workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23342597

'Every single year': Company annually awards award named after CEO to that CEO

Usually, when you name an award after someone, it's done to memorialize their significant contribution to the thing it's being awarded for, and never would you ever expect the person being memorialized to be eligible—lest receive—their own award. Can you imagine if every year the Nobel Prize just awarded every award posthumously to Alfred Nobel? I think the entire process would have a completely different perception.
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‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

To put it bluntly, you want to be on an IT professional's good side. Whether your computer begins glitching, your internet goes haywire, or you can't find that email that you just know you sent, something will always pop up in the corporate world, and it is best that you befriend the IT employee. Not everyone is as smart as I am though (please detect the sarcasm), and will say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, AKA, the IT employee. One IT employee was approached by the CEO…
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work workplace coworker workers employee employees manager boss bosses fired working job company relatable getting-fired wrongful termination terminated osha

'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

Nobody wants to get fired around the holidays. It's objectively the worst time to lose your source of income and it's also consequently the worst time to find a NEW job. Since everyone's already enjoying their ‘let’s circle back in 2024' season, you're unlikely to get a sit down with the hiring department in any employment position... unless you're interested in retail. For that reason, most workers don't stage a coup against management during the holidays, but in our next story...
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'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers

'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers, they begin to 'plan her downfall'

This nepo-baby got humbled in a way she never expected. If you can't learn important life lessons early in life, life will figure out a way to teach you eventually. There's a reason most people aren't fond of nepotism, or the practice of hiring your own family members to work for you just because you're related. It makes the other workers at the company, who are perfectly qualified for their jobs, wonder why the CEO's clueless kid gets a high-paid position. Even if the kid has zero knowledge of…
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'A marching band to play me into work so I can hand in my resignation': 20+ purchases to make after winning the lottery

'A marching band to play me into work so I can hand in my resignation': 20+ purchases to make after winning the lottery

For better or for worse, everyone has had that passing thought about what they would do first if they won the lottery. Ok, maybe nepo babies aside, everyone else has considered this possibility. Would you do something practical like paying off student loans or getting a financial advisor to figure out how to manage all this money? Or would you do something completely shallow like go on an immediate shopping spree? Personally, I would do both at once. Heck, if I won the lottery, why can't I be a…
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Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

You want phone calls? You got phone calls . That's totally fine by this overnight worker, since they usually barely call anyone during their shift anyway. As an employee, you may see the CEO of your company just a few times. Often, you'll be introduced to the CEO when you first start at the job, so it's important to make a good impression. After all, depending on your position and the size of the company, you may just never see them again after that. Most of us just don't work one-on-one with C…
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'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

Most Karen neighbors are sticklers around noise and privacy, but you would think if they would accuse you of crossing the property line, they would at least double check first. Here, we have a Karen who threw a tantrum at her neighbor's friend, who was doing a favor and assisting with replacing his buddy's fence. Karen insisted that the fence was over the property line, prompting her neighbor and his friend to do some research. When they uncovered that her property was actually nearly 10 feet o…
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Reddit thread about a noisy neighbor.

'I decided to write her a note': Tenant takes matters into her own hands after neighbor won't stop drilling and stomping

Moving into a new building is rarely smooth sailing. We've all had noisy neighbors that make us question our entire lives, values, and morals; why did I move to this city in the first place? Why do people even decide to have children? How come I'm polite and other people aren't? Is being noisy something that runs in the family? One woman who recently moved into a brand new apartment with her friends went through this existential crisis after an upstairs neighbor won't stop drilling, stomping, a…
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Top Unpopular Opinions of the Year

Top Unpopular Opinions of the Year

Christmasssssssss is coming up, and I am per usual, per every year, per every decade, STRESSED. Running about to find gifts, gahhh, it's absolutely exhausting and my family is never happy with what I get them anyway, but it's not like I have a choice, because they would be way more offended if I didn't get them anything at all. So, you win some, you lose some. Now that I am done with my short holiday rant, let's get on to the unpopular opinions. Every so often, I make a point to post the most r…
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'[He built] a shed on the head teacher's parking space': 15+ Pranksters who outdid themselves with their best pranks ever

'[He built] a shed on the head teacher's parking space': 15+ Pranksters who outdid themselves with their best pranks ever

These pranksters are next-level . The best kinds of pranks are the ones that leave every participant laughing and smiling at the end. There are way too many social media pranksters these days who want to bother pedestrians or make mockeries of their friends. A lot of it feels mean-spirited, but it doesn't have to be that way. Why not prank someone the way a bunch of these guys did? They only ordered one milkshake at a restaurant, even though there were a bunch of people at their table. But then…
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'I was told it's highly unprofessional to be drunk when I am off on the weekend': Boss calls employee at 9 p.m. on a Saturday, scolds him for drinking with friends

'I was told it's highly unprofessional': Boss calls employee at 9 p.m. on a Saturday, scolds him for drinking with friends

I'm fortunate not to have a job where I have to be on call during the weekends, so when Friday evening hits, my laptop is closed and stowed away until Monday morning. That should've been the case for this OP too, but unfortunately, it wasn't. He was out on a Saturday night celebrating his friend's engagement when he got a call at 9 p.m. from his boss. Considering she was calling his personal phone, not his work phone, he assumed it was an emergency, so he answered...
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