karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

“I immediately wanted to call in sick,” this video game store employee wrote. What made them feel so ill? An advertisement! For those who have spent time in the trenches of retail work around the holidays, you know exactly how this person feels. No matter how much you enjoy your retail job during the year, when the holiday season comes around, customers begin to act feral.
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'I thought we were on good terms': Job candidate asks former boss for reference, she sabotages candidate's chances with the recruiter

'I thought we were on good terms': Job candidate asks former boss for reference, she sabotages candidate's chances with the recruiter

They say to never trust your employer, but we always need a former employer for references so do we have much of a choice in the matter? The truth is that we do not. Even after you leave a company, you're still beholden to your former employer in some way. If you have minimal work experience, you might not have another employer to use as a reference. It's the cyclical nature of the working world. Even when you leave one place, you're never really free now, are you? Sure, it's possible to frame…
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‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

You could be the best at your job, yet be so underappreciated that even your most competitive coworker who acts like the office Karen would be on your side. Not given a raise, tossed to the side, the resentment in your belly begins to grow, and 'the grass is greener' thoughts keep popping up in your head. You realize that in order to make yourself indispensable, you need to teach them a lesson… So that your message will be heard loud and clear. This clever, overworked, and underpaid employee de…
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'Turns out LOTS of people wanted to air their complaints': Student takes to radio show to expose school administrators for refusing to provide her medication

'Turns out LOTS of people wanted to air their complaints': Student calls into radio show to expose school administrators

This isn't a story you hear every day, but you should keep this petty trick in your back pocket the next time you're looking to dish out some epic revenge.
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boss workplace-stories jobs golf job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit restaurant workplace malicious compliance reddit - 23363333

'The next morning I had many missed calls': Overburdened restaurant closer refuses to work late, surprises bosses with messy restaurant and their two week notice

This restaurant closer was ready to “prove a point.”
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generation generations gen-x genx gen-z genz millennial millennials boomer boomers reddit viral thread lament wholesome relate empathy relatable viral

'[I had] no debt at 30': Gen Xer empathizes with the millennial plight, going viral for admiring their resilience, while reminiscing on the 'good ol' days'

Gen X may be the ‘forgotten generation' but perhaps that's because they led chill, undramatic lives as society's middle child.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23329285

'[She says] it's my fault': Boss blames worker when shady business practices earn her an investigation from the IRS

An important lesson you learn early on in this world is to own your own mistakes, and whether or not someone makes mistakes is a good indicator of that person's character. As is often the case, there are plenty of people who never managed to learn this simple concept, with these people finding themselves in positions of authority all too often. It's not surprising then that there are a lot of toxic bosses out there who consistently find someone else to blame and someone else to shame for their…
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'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift':Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift': Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

As much as it is the season of giving, apparently, it is also the season of complaining. Now, I have never been one of those lucky employees to receive a sizable bonus for the Holidays. One has to assume it is the price for not going full corporate. That being said, if I were to receive such a gift, I would try not to take it for granted and remember the days when I would never have gotten this kind of special treatment (meaning, these days). So if this choosing beggar has no interest in using…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23383813

'My screen was idle for 28 minutes': New manager accuses highest performer of being unproductive because of failed "screen audit"

There's nothing like hustling to go above and beyond in your role only to have your new boss turn around and throw some random metric that is vaguely associated with productivity back in your face for no reason. Your KPIs and contributions that are tied to actual revenue for the company are topping the charts, and yet your insecure micromanaging manager is concerned about the fact that your screen was “idle” for a few minutes. This is the problem with modern “productivity” tracking software tha…
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service-industry-chaos, servers, food-inspection-stories, reddit, failblog, tales-from-your-server, r-talesfromyourserver

'Us servers scramble': 30+ Restaurant employees share the chaos that ensues when an inspector shows up unannounced

Whether you're working in a spotless kitchen or not, hearing that the health inspector has showed up unannounced sends some sort of chills down any service industry worker's back. Maybe it's PTSD from getting pop quizzes in high school, because that's exactly what it feels like. Even if you are sure you are an expert on the topic, something about being put on the spot and quizzed about it at random makes you doubt yourself. So you can image the sort of chaos that ensues with an inspector shows…
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reddit, failblog, r-work, workplace, immediate-termination, fired-for-no-reason

'I got my former supervisor fired': Employee given no reason for immediate termination uncovers a conspiracy with his ex-upper management while filing for his final paycheck

Do you have a friend who doesn't believe in Karma? Well, show them this sweet by epic Reddit story . This guy was working at a place where he never received any sort of work evaluation or detailed instructions, so he thought was was doing pretty well. And he most likely was. However, one day he got called in and was terminated started immediately. He kept asking why and his manager refused to give any reason. Confused, he packed up his stuff and left. As you do when you get fired , you collect…
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'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

Kids and teens can't help but have a few embarrassing moments . Okay, maybe more than a few. As a kid, you're able to let loose and say and do pretty much whatever you want. Children usually know not to say bad words or talk back to adults. But there are a lot of nuances they don't understand, and a world of knowledge that they haven't had time to learn from. That's probably why it's so much fun to be around little kids while they're letting off steam, bouncing off the walls and babbling about…
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'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

'[Cop] wrote all those drivers tickets': Top 10+ Tales of Instant Karma

You can never exactly predict when and how karma is going to strike. Sometimes, the people who deserve it the most get off easy (for now). But when karma does come into play, the results can be glorious. I'll never forget the time I had a friend who was so insistent that their wedding would happen the way they wanted it to that despite the forecast of good weather, it started to downpour during their outdoor wedding ceremony. It was the kind of climactic situation no one could have predicted (a…
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'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

The relief of taking two whole weeks off, after working 100 hour weeks , must be incredible. Humans aren't designed to work that much. Yet there are numerous career fields that require 16-hour days and working straight through the weekends. Doctors, nurses, and lawyers are among the groups of employees who tirelessly devote themselves to their jobs. But running on caffeine and energy bars isn't enough to keep a person going in the long run. This person shared their own story of when they worked…
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'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

'[Neighbors] insisted on us getting a fine': Neighbor gets petty after Karens make him pay a $50 fine because his chicken ended up on their property

Shouldn't animal control have been able to shut down this Karen duo? The fact that they were able to intimidate animal control into enforcing a fine that would have otherwise just been a warning says a lot more about the fragile authority of animal control than anything else. Now, personally speaking, I could not live right next to someone who keeps a dozen chickens and who always is having problems with those chickens because of raccoons and other animal attacks. That is not exactly my neighbo…
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‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

Quitting is like a game of peekaboo. Now you see me, now you don't… and once you see me less, or rather, when I hand in my two-week notice, it's all fair game. Unless your employer is decent, which, if you work at a food franchise in customer service, is rare, you are bound to hit a few obstacles. So, in this case, OP's boss hired a new worker, whom OP was told to train. That was all dandy until OP's boss began giving the new hire all of OP's hours. Then, afterwards, OP got super annoyed, becau…
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