'My boss's boss... saw my fringed mullhawk': Job tells food service employee to cut her hair, she gets the most surprising haircut imaginable

Update: 'My boss's boss... saw my fringed mullhawk': Job tells food service employee to cut her hair, she gets the worst haircut imaginable

No one commits to the bit harder than this food service worker . U/Victoriaisde*d shared an incredible malicious compliance story about the time she was working in a food service position. As with basically every food service job , there are strict rules that you absolutely must comply with. If you're around food, you're supposed to wear your hair tied back and/or in a hair net, and some places even make you cover up your facial hair with a seperate net. It's annoying as an employee, but we all…
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'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

Sometimes, the best way to inform your boss that their newly implemented policy is flawed is by showing not telling. Lots of workplace practices are put into place in such a way that seems smart and productive in theory… until it's not. Of course, the people who are enforcing said policies often want them to work and refuse to hear any criticism from the people who actually have an understanding of how their workflow looks. This boss was running into some legal trouble and couldn't pay for any…
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'She wanted to buy grass-fed pork. There is no such thing': 20+ Professionals who rolled their eyes at people who think they're experts, when they're actually just wrong

'She wanted to buy grass-fed pork. There is no such thing': 20+ Professionals who rolled their eyes at people who think they're experts, when they're actually just wrong

Your years of career expertise are no match for someone who watched three YouTube videos on the subject. Learning is a lifelong endeavor for some people. They always want to read up on new ideas and form new opinions based off what they're reading or watching at the moment. Sometimes, people think they're so educated on a topic that they know better than a person in that profession. From lawyers to healthcare professionals to software engineers , these professionals have all met ordinary folks…
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‘His face said it all’: Vegetarian passenger backtracks on request for ‘veggie meal’ after flight attendant complies, serving passenger ‘first class salad'

‘His face said it all’: Vegetarian passenger backtracks on request for ‘veggie meal’ after flight attendant complies, serving passenger ‘first class salad'

Flight attendants are usually pretty smiley, nice, and overall helpful, as long as you don't do something to leave them with a sour taste in their mouths. The same goes for anyone working in customer service, or hosting, of any kind. I can tell you that back when I was a waitress, a big grin and a kind word went a long way. If an entitled Karen showed up, I would not go out of my way to do a good job, but rather, I might have opted to be petty, and he or she would have been none the wiser. One…
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'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company

'You gave him too much overtime... you're fired’: Micromanager gets fired after forcing worker to work huge amounts of overtime at odd hours, that resulted in big bills for the company

Some bosses have such low self esteem that they need to push their workers to see their ‘worth’, and you know what happens when people try too hard… they get the opposite results they would expect. That is exactly the case for this young micromanager who OP literally called ‘Babyboss’ in their post. The OP was very valued by their company because they had specialized education, and a deep understanding of a certain subject that was not disclosed in the post. I assume the subject of the work was…
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'Either you pay 50€ or you somehow make the luggage 50g lighter': Passenger has to make bag lighter to check luggage, maliciously complies by eating chocolate

'Either you pay 50€ or you somehow make the luggage 50g lighter': Passenger has to make bag lighter to check luggage, maliciously complies by eating chocolate

Airport security is full of arbitrary rules. Having to pay ridiculous fees in order to make your luggage ever so slightly lighter is just one of many. Let's not forget that there is also all the TSA nonsense, and sometimes, the rules are wildly different depending on the airport. Sometimes you have to put all your bags in one cart, sometimes you have to separate everything, and sometimes they're so backed up that no one has to take their shoes off (which makes you question the effectiveness of…
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‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen driver receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

Karens have a knack for knowing just when to use their magical powers to irritate other people, but sometimes, this leads to their demise. One Karen was ladidadia-ing about her day, when she arrived at the parking lot of a store she needed to go to. She looked around the entire lot, and thought to herself, ‘Where could I take up the most room, whilst being the most inconsiderate at the same time?’. Luckily for this Karen, she found the perfect spot… or rather, two spots. Yeah, you guessed it… t…
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'She had 22 cats': 20 first dates that made people say 'I'm out of here'

'She had 22 cats': 20 times people walked out during the first date

Everyone says it's important to be your full self on a first date, but let's be honest: some people should absolutely not follow that advice. Their full selves are far too bizarre, ridiculous, and outlandish for any stranger to encounter without a serious advanced warning. I suppose showing all those true colors is good for the other person to make an immediate judgment, and in all of these cases, that immediate judgment was a hard no. Personally, I have never had a date that went so poorly I c…
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law school landlord housing Legal Woes rental job malicious compliance legal tenant client landlords case workplace volunteer home law choosing beggar - 22164229

'Get me what I am entitled to or I will do it myself': Law school stops representing tenant who demands 2 free months of rent, flips out on 'totally useless' volunteer legal rep

This choosing beggar finally got what she asked for. As a student, u/Zelmung got some real-world experience at their law school's student program. The OP shares that the service offered people free legal advice, while the student volunteers helped guide their clients through the process. That is a win-win — people in need can find resources, and students can gain insight into the logistics of a case. But as the OP found out, you can't pick your clients. They need help, and they come to the law…
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'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get him to come in, threatens termination

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get her husband to come in, threatens termination

What part of “time OFF” do these employers not understand? This technician had been working at the same HVAC company for 15 years and saw it expand from virtually nothing to a business that employed over 100 other technicians. Unfortunately, the dynamics within the company changed a bit after it was sold to a larger monopoly. Now, the technician's typical five weeks of vacation time were reduced to two weeks, and seniority didn't really matter at all anymore. Despite these changes, the technici…
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'Is it ok if I fire you?': Boss fires employee for being late, then surprises them with offer

'Is it ok if I fire you?': Boss fires employee for being late, then surprises them with offer

If you're late, you're late — and your boss might not care about your excuses. A baffling thing that some people do is tell you that there are no excuses for your actions. Then, they still want you to explain yourself. So the conversation will start by your boss demanding to know why you're late. You then say that you were late because you had car trouble , or perhaps your nanny cancelled last minute, or any other good reason for not being on time. Even the best employees in the world won't mak…
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garden gnome suburban suburbs wife mom neighbors woman neighbor neighborhood drama reddit thread payback gnomes

'I said, "isn't it the cutest?"... He turned red': Suburban woman reclaims her property line with a garden gnome, shutting down her grouchy, nosy neighbors with a silly statue

Neighbors legally have no say on what the folks next door do with their land. So if you're in the midst of a neighborly feud and a grouchy ol' porch surfer is giving you a hard time about your garden decor, you could easily (and legally) say that that's gnome of their business.
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'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

There are people in this world who have found a way to be simultaneously desperate and demanding. Whether it's negotiating a purchase or severely underpaying someone, the choosing beggars of the world still always manage to find ways to surprise us here at FAIL Blog. You always think you've seen it all until someone offers to pay a babysitter less than $3 an hour. It can be difficult to call choosing beggars out on their nonsense. Firstly, you have to be stern and confident. You have to know th…
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Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

'Landlord [is] trying to scam me out of my security deposit': Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

In case you haven't learned this already, it's your landlord's world and you are unfortunately living in it. Yes, in this day and age, it seems like landlords are becoming even more unnecessarily powerful than they should be and are capitalizing on that power as much as they can. This collection of top landlord stories from Reddit's r/LandlordLove subreddit only brings back haunting memories of my first New York apartment, the unstoppable ceiling leakage, and the unsolvable roach infestation. B…
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'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family wants landscapers to charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family demands landscapers charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

When these landscapers got a referral from one customer to another, they had to explain some important caveats. Unfortunately for the landscapers, these clients were not happy with the deal they were going to get. Referrals are really important to many companies. In recent years, there's even a big incentive by lots of brands to tell your friends about their product. How many times have you gotten a friend to sign up for a random product just so you can get a discount? Or, if you're crafty, you…
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'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

Most parents teach their children about having respect for other people, but occasionally, you'll come across one or two who refuse to acknowledge that their kids need to learn a lesson. It's as if they are some untouchable species that could never do anything even remotely annoying or entitled or inappropriate. But we all know that kids can be all of those things. In fact, they are likely to lean into those qualities if no one calls them out, and it's preferable that their parents should be th…
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