'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 co-worker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid nightshift

‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 coworker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid night shift

Teenager fired before even finishing training gets sage advice on confidence and entering the workforce: 'Don’t take it too hard'

Teenager fired before even finishing training gets sage advice on confidence and entering the workforce: 'Don’t take it too hard'

customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 24881157

'He's lying! Arrest him!': Crazed cookie Karen tries to steal dude's cookies right outside of the store

‘I win’: Hotel employee outsmarts demanding guest, leading to an unplanned checkout and pricey journey home

‘I win’: Hotel employee outsmarts demanding guest, leading to an unplanned checkout and pricey journey home

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'I guess this is the future': Donut shop employee insists the store's only customer should order at self-serve kiosk

'This is the future and I hate it': Donut shop employee insists the store's only customer should order at self-serve kiosk

'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

'I feel mortified': 28-year-old panic-quits dental assistant job after getting nearly 0 training, then gets rejected to work at a cafe for being “too old”

'Check out my paycheck now, boss': School teacher gets docked 11.5 hours pay due to district manager's attempts to ‘save herself’, gets paid an extra $3500 instead

'Check out my paycheck now, boss': School teacher gets docked 11.5 hours pay due to district manager's attempts to ‘save herself’, gets paid an extra $3500 instead

'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24839941

Worker forcibly relocates 1700 miles only to find out there's actually no job: ''The position is "no longer available..."'

'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'

opinion boss work from home worker remote work employee employer workplace-discussion Office work environment wfh reddit thread Reddit - 24856069

'It's much easier to focus without all the office politics and gossip': 20+ Remote Employees Share Their Reasons for Working from Home

jobs job work customer service talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail retail worker karen-customer tales-from-retail - 2386951

'I don't work here': Guy gets accused of slacking at a job that isn't even his and accosted by another customer