Arnold Schwarzenegger facebook insult - 1822213

Arnold Schwarzenegger Proceeds to Obliterate Facebook Idiot Who Ignorantly Posts Special Olympics Shouldn't Exist

donald trump arrested development - 1816325

Crazy Conspiracy Theory Asserts That Maybe This Obamacare Replacement is Just An Arrested Development Reboot

donald trump dictionary - 1816837

Merriam-Webster Dictonary Is Slamming Trump Again and Twitter Loves It

Such cringeworthy memes that you'll cringe your pants even if you don't want to [SHUDDERS] | Person - photos an 3 hrs Attention Facebook friends, these two beautiful young women are two very important people my life, they mean lot If are lucky enough call one these ladies gf, and break their heart will open heavens and make my mission destroy and all care about. My name is Thor, test if dare

37 of the Most Cringeworthy People on the Internet

random funny memes

Afternoon Awesome: 28 Memes for That Friday Afternoon Grind

ivanka trump's husband jared kushner building a glass dildo building

People Are Roasting the Life Out of Ivanka's In-Laws For Building Skyscraper That Looks Like Giant Glass Dildo

seth meyers amazing ryan reynolds Video - 85848065

Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds FaceTime on Late Night, And It's Time To Give These Guys Their Own Talk Show

terrorism donald trump - 1814277

Twitter Is Dragging One of Trump's Nazi Guys For His Remarks on London Attacks

FAIL Awkward weather Video - 85847041

Weather Reporter Bro Has An Unseemly Inability to NOT Stop Saying The Word Cunt on Live TV

wtf tacos gross food - 1815301

Appetite for Tacos Is Unavoidably Vanquished After This Woman's Gruesome Story on Facebook

fail video Guy Jumps on Semi to Run from Cops

Lost Ocean's 11 Member Tries To Make Death Defying Escape from Police By Jumping on Top of a Semi

random funny and silly memes

The Daily FAIL: 25 Memes to Get Friday Going

racism fight - 85845761

Dickhead Keeps Using the N-Word, Woman Cleans His Clock and Then His Pants Fall Down

donald trump trucks - 1814533

Hoooooly Shit, These Pictures of Trump in a Semi Truck Might Have Just Made This Whole Nightmare Worth It

reddit roasts

Harshly Clever Roasts You'll Almost End Up Feeling Guilty About Laughing At

seth meyers donald trump - 85843969

Watch Seth Meyers Whip Trump's Health Care and Russia Scandal Scramble Into a Delicious Omelet