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Dude Goes to Great Lengths to Convince His Girlfriend That He's In Bed

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This Drunk Dude Is Having a War With His Skis and We’re All The Winner

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This Hockey Player Hates Hockey Sticks So Much He Snapped $600 Worth

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Watch this Silicon Valley Star, the Late Roger Ebert, and more Destroy Rob Schneider After John Lewis Tweet

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Person Gives Amazing Plot Recap of Tom Hardy's New Show 'Taboo' and IMDB Needs to Hire Them ASAP

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This T-Rex Snowball Fight Will Have You Rethinking Your Next Snow Day

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Watch This Really Rude Roof Collapse and Totally Ruin This Indoor Hockey Game

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Father of the Year Figures Out How to Get Baby Wash Your Car

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This Very Real TV Listing Turns Very Real Trump Inauguration Into Scariest Twilight Zone Episode Ever

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Living God Takes Down a Wasp's Nest With His Bare Hands

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People Disclose the Craziest, Most Unexpected Things Their Partners Have Done in the Sheets

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Hilarious Twitter Account Changes Obama's Tweets to Sound Like Trump's

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Dude Pays $180 for “Textbook,” Receives Stack of Papers That He Needed a Binder For

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Bust Out the Rice: People Share Their Phone in the Toilet Horror Stories

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Guy Gets Food Poisoning, Proceeds to Stir Up an Epic Sh*tstorm Over Text

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Certified Genius Gets Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl Tattoo Two Months Too Early