

Via DaFunOne
Dude tries to parkour a jump and fails and falls horribly and will probably need to go to the emergency room.

Drunk Idiot Jacked Up on Liquid Courage FAILs Terribly at Parkour

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Funny fail video of a bicycle race in which someone prematurely celebrates when he won as other riders race past him.

Oblivious Cyclist Throws Arms Up In Premature Victory Celebration as Competitors Blaze Past Him

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Collection of entertaining work stories from Parisian waitress - Cover graphic of meme of waitress saying there are no good Whiskies.

15 Wildly Entertaining Work Stories From a Parisian Waitress

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Fail video of throwing a bottle at cars and then the wrath of those driver's back at the thrower.

Idiot Hits Guy's Car With Bottle and Gets Properly Dealt With

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Top ten times people left crazy Yelp reviews.

Top 10 Times Yelp Reviews Got Completely Out of Hand

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shower thoughts that will blow your mind

20 Shower Thoughts That Will Destroy Your Brain

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Collection of bad jokes that might actually make you laugh because they're so bad.

24 Jokes So Damn Terrible They Might Actually Make You Laugh

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Awkward people that were caught looking ridiculous while shopping at Walmart - cover graphic of woman with back-boobs and another with a torn pants in the seam.

15 People That Make Walmart An Unforgettably Cringeworthy Experience

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Cringe video of women making announcement about feeling objectified is super confusing.

Cringe PSA For Boobs Is About to Confuse the Hell Out of Men Everywhere

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This is my life now...

Via DaFunOne

Nailed it.

girl tries to backflip off a couch and fails miserably
Via DaFunOne

Nailed it.

Via DaFunOne
12 facts that will make you feel really old

12 Facts That Will Make You Feel Ancient

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Collection of guys who went crazy after being rejected in texting conversations.

Crazy Guys Who Lost Their Minds After Getting Rejected

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when you're dying but hoe is life a cover photo for a daily dose of fresh memes and funny images

The Daily FAIL: 27 Memes to Keep Friday Going Strong

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