Collection of misleading science facts that are actually totally false

20 Scientific Facts That Are Actually Total Bullshit

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Annnnnd We're Live!!!

Gif of a newscaster misses her cue as they go live and she is just playing around with her lipstick and jumps when she realizes.
Via DaFunOne

Stick to Being a Fan of Soccer

Via BadboiiSwag

Such a hot head...

Gif guy's head catches on fire during a martial arts tournament after breaking flaming stack of bricks.
Via DaFunOne
Funny video of a comedian that is trippy on mushrooms gets kicked off stage.

Comedian Tripping Balls Off Mushrooms Gets Kicked Off Stage

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She's never going fishing with you again.

Gif of a guy casts his line while fishing and catches girlfriends hat
Via DaFunOne
dating shower thoughts

16 Dating Shower Thoughts That Could Be Revolutionary

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Funny comics that are head-shake worthy - cover image of cartoon of grandma in the future who forgot grandson's birthday because he did't post it on facebook.

26 Comics That Will Make You Shake Your Head

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Video of a girl that is on a boat, and gets snatched by a sea lion into the water.

Watch the Horrifying Moment a Sea Lion Snatches Girl Into Water

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women describe the weird things they do like smelling their own boob sweat

15 Women Describe the Gross and Weird Things They Do While Their Partner Isn't Around

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34 horribly cringey people - cover graphic of image with photoshopped features and the comments that yields her on Facebook.

34 Cringe Filled Moments That Are Painful to Look At

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People share their most twisted Disney character sexual fantasies and things escalate quickly. - cover images of Disney characters re-imagined as normal people along with examples.

34 People Share Their Most Depraved NSFW Disney Sexual Fantasies

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Tarzan screwed up

Via kayzersosie

Fail with confidence and style

Via HocusPenis


Via DaFunOne
Dude tries to parkour a jump and fails and falls horribly and will probably need to go to the emergency room.

Drunk Idiot Jacked Up on Liquid Courage FAILs Terribly at Parkour

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