20+ comical grammar mistakes and poor choices of words: 'I can't today. I have to finish some aarons'

20+ comical grammar mistakes and poor choices of words: 'I can't today. I have to finish some aarons'

'That advice cost the neighbor most of his yard': New neighbor gets fined $11,000 after ignoring friendly grandpa's advice

'That advice cost the neighbor most of his yard': New neighbor gets fined $11,000 after ignoring friendly grandpa's advice

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

Cheezburger Image 35311109

Wedding guest tells parents to turn kid's iPad volume down reception speeches, earns mother's wrath: 'I thought it was common courtesy'

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

karen karens dog dogs canine aggressive yard garden neighbor neighborhood summer clever payback mom karen reddit petty revenge

'Bye bye garden bed': Neighborhood dogs destroy their own garden after a clever mom uses their untrained aggression against the owners

34 Memes to Hand in to Your Boss With Your Two Week Notice

34 Memes to Hand in With Your Two Weeks Notice

Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a peg

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a notch

Top Dad Jokes of the Week: Father's Day Edition (June 9, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week to Prepare for Father's Day (June 9, 2024)

fail tech tech-support it it-support customer customer-service service work employee worker workplace job manager working business technology techy silly karen fool foolish fail

'OK I’m not an idiot': Tech support guy drives 1 hour to plug in an outlet because an incompetent client fails to follow simple instructions

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs