work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss manager supervisor pay paying payback malicious-compliance reddit ignorant phone bill

'His phone bill was $1,400': Company bean-counters ignore their field salesman's advice; their ignorance costs them $1,400 on their next bill

The bean counters in the top floor offices with polished floors and ergonomic chairs don't understand what it's like to be out in the streets actually doing the labor of the company. As every blue collar employee or door-to-door salesman knows, when you work out in the real world it's going to be utter chaos– and nothing like how the office employees expected it would be.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs railroad job malicious compliance work workplace trains train employment in the workplace - 23089925

'If he had just taken my suggestion': New railway manager ignores veteran's suggestion creating a logistical nightmare

Generally, the idea of managing something implies that you have some understanding of how that thing works and are, thus, capable of coordinating the operations of said thing. But, surprisingly, very few managers actually have a real understanding of the thing they're managing… and so their job mainly consists of talking to other managers who don't understand their thing very well either. Still, companies continue to think this is a good idea and continue to hire external candidates with no ind…
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'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Aunt returns Christmas card and pens note telling her nephew and his wife off

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Entitled aunt returns Christmas card and pens a scathing note telling her nephew and his wife that they should "be ashamed"

Some people get really hung up on thank-you cards . Plenty of folks place a high value on gift-giving, and for some reason, they are also very insistent on receiving a thank-you note. Thanking the gift-giver as you open their present should be enough, right? When you can look the person in the eyes and genuinely appreciate their thoughtfulness and chat about the gift, that seems like it should be sufficient. But some people believe that if you don't send a physical thank-you card as soon as pos…
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work workplace worker employee employees boss manager bosses ceo supervisor raise brag working wage money salary pay payday epic ultimatum petty revenge

'You'll need me... and when you [do] it'll cost you $200 an hour': Boss brags about his salary in front of a priceless IT tech; employee quits on the spot, agreeing to come back only if the boss pays him the same

Put your money where your mouth is.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers askreddit job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23048965

'I don't hire people with beards': 20+ Candidates share the reason they walked out of job interviews

Job searching can be a painful process, and trying to stand out from a crowd through an electronic submission is difficult to do, meaning that you'll probably submit hundreds of applications to jobs—most of which you'll never hear back from. In a hundred submissions, you might hear back from a few—let's say 5%—so five interviews per 100 applications, which is a generous estimate. Of these five, you'll actually sit a first-round interview for three, hopefully getting asked to come back by two of…
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'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

Hopefully, this dude doesn't need a letter of recommendation any time soon. He certainly won't be getting one from his former employers after saying literally everything he could say in the most dramatic email since that time I asked my therapist to resume sessions because the “job search was proving stressful.” But that's another story! As for this employee's resignation email, there is definitely a vicarious fulfillment we got from reading this, as I'm sure like many of you, we all have forme…
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hoa neighbors terrible company malicious compliance neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23090437

'I acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy collects massive pile of leaves from neighbors to get back at collection company

It's fairly perplexing when a company is particularly bad at providing a service, especially when that company's sole purpose for existence is to provide that service. When you're a leaf collection company, that kind of implies that you're going to be collecting a lot of leaves, and it would be fair for people to expect you to be adept at doing so. Well, it turns out that while a lot of companies brand themselves as providing such-and-such service, really, their main priority isn't providing go…
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hilarious scammer email gift card trolling scam reddit thread Reddit funny - 23058693

'SHOW ME THE CODE': Woman trolls scammer for hours, turning away his request for gift cards with hilarious responses

We've all heard of the gift card scam via email. And if you haven't, maybe you should read this…
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'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape

'I think I did better than expected': Boss instructs deaf employee to transcribe a tape, cue employee's malicious compliance

When your boss tells you to “figure it out” in a certain tone of voice, you know they mean business.
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'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

We all had a teacher back in the day who claimed something was true that occasionally made you suspicious. As you have gotten older, you have learned that your skepticism was not unwarranted and that you were absolutely right to question some of the nonsense this so-called educator was spewing. Over the years, we have all collected these bizarre “facts” that we have since disproven. They're often fun anecdotes to share at a party. For instance, did you know I was taught that I was taught that I…
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'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

On those groggy mornings where you're on autopilot , mishaps are bound to happen. We've all done it: when you're half-awake, you tend to do things like forget to bring your laptop to work, or maybe you start driving to your mom's house instead of the office, or even searching desperately for your phone while holding it. That's especially funny if someone witnesses you using your phone flashlight to look between the couch cushions for the phone in your hand. One of the more embarrassing things I…
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'After this I want to quit': Employee request PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

'After this I want to quit': Employee requests PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

Paid time off should never be met with these kinds of invasive questions. When you sign a contract that entitled you to paid vacation time, there simply should not be any sort of explanation necessary, as you are granted a set number of days to do whatever you like in that free time. Now, some employers think that they are owed an explanation for every choice you make. Or perhaps they throw shade at the fact that you are using those days. Or perhaps it's all just societal pressure in your head!…
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employee work stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance early 2000s coworkers cell phone toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit - 23057157

'[It] had an international roaming plan': Boss forces IT worker to get a company phone so he can always be on call, worker maliciously complies

I'm someone who won't respond to anything work-related once I've clocked out for the day. However, there are plenty of workers who think that no time of the day is off-limits. I get it if you're working late and want to shoot me a quick message before you forget—that's totally cool. But expecting your colleague to tackle tasks for you immediately, at any time of the day? No one gets paid enough for that. That's why this OP found an epic loophole.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs employment-discussion job retail work workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment service industry in the workplace - 22839813

'They sent me home due to low workload': Manager forces workers to use PTO after sending them home early

Certain organizations, especially within certain industries, love to save on labor, and one of the ways they do this is by sending workers home from a scheduled shift when things are quiet to try and keep from being overstaffed. Of course, predictably, as soon as the manager has sent someone home, you'll end up with the biggest rush of customers you've ever experienced, ensuring that the rest of the day is going to be a living nightmare—and no one will be getting any breaks.
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'Taking off shoes and socks on an airplane': 25+ 'Socially unacceptable' things people wish others would stop doing all together

'Taking off shoes and socks on an airplane': 25+ 'Socially unacceptable' things people wish others would stop doing all together

If you take off your socks and shoes during your flight, that should count as an automatic ban from the airline. Unless you're a child---like a toddler, no one over age like 7---there's no need for you to be airing out your piggy toes mid-flight. As an adult, you should be able to wait a few hours while wearing shoes. Many adults wear shoes for 8 or 10 hours during work days, and often times even longer. So why does getting on a plane suddenly inspire so many people to get comfy by airing out t…
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reddit, failblog, r-antiwork, happy-to-be-fired, wholesome-fired-story, better-fired-story, happily-fired

'I feel so happy!': Hasty company proactively fires employee with 1-2 months still left on his contract, so he takes an 'extended' vacation

Have you ever worked somewhere that you hated so much that when you inevitably got fired, you were actually relieved? I have, and it's one of the best feelings in the world. After you get over the initial shock that you just got fired, it feels freeing. I'll never forget when I walked out of that office and felt the sun hit my skin and the fresh air brush through my hair—I was terrified, but I was finally free. This happened to a Redditor recently in Germany. However, he had an even better outc…
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