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'Raising a family of 5 on a single income': 27 Modern Luxuries That Were Pretty Standard Back in the 90s

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'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

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'A guy drove past me and yelled..."Your mustache doesn't suit you!'": 20+ Creative quips to use on people you want to critique with caution

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Manager insists all personal phone calls be directed to them in an effort to stop employees needing their phones at work, predictably backfires: 'No phones allowed at work, tell them to call me directly!'

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You Won't Believe These 30+ Ridiculously Simple Things That Somehow Needed Explaining to Grown Adults: 'I wish I was lying'

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Entitled evil neighbor reports man for his grass's height and proceeds to spray them with weed whacker, despite that product having made his dog sick prior

Man's entitled neighbor reports him for his lawn's grass height, then begins using weed eliminator spray all over his side of their shared fence: ‘She's with the city, she has more power’

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'Try to pile on more work to increase your bonus? Not gonna happen...': Manager tries to put the work of 12 people onto a 7 person team to get a bigger bonus, supervisor won't let that happen

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'Are you kidding me?': Dentist of 8 years expected to train new hire, quits after learning employee makes the same salary with zero experience

Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

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'Today was the final straw': Man comes home from work to find his petty 30-year-old roommate removed bedroom door, insisting it was his choice

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

‘[My] stepson would be inheriting’: Father feels betrayed after he finds out his kids knew about their mother's affair and cuts them out of his will, the internet disapproves

‘[My] stepson would be inheriting’: Father feels betrayed after he finds out his kids knew about their mother's affair and cuts them out of his will, the internet disapproves

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Man finds out the hard way that the nutrition label was off by 100%, eats 4k calories worth of chips: 'I put more stock in a government label than my body'

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'What he doesn't know is that my coworker is friends with the manager': Day care teacher gets revenge on bully

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Mother of Bride 45 minutes late to wedding and misses ceremony, blames bride for not waiting for her: 'They had time to stop at a bakery??'