'There is no paperwork, I'm just fired': Guy relocates to Japan for a job, only to get fired after one week

'There is no paperwork, I'm just fired': Guy relocates to Japan for a job, only to get fired after one week

‘Respectfully, no’: Employee hands boss their two weeks notice, only for boss to demand they stay for two months, leading to a schedule conflict with new job

‘Respectfully, no’: Employee hands boss their two weeks notice, only for boss to demand they stay for two months, leading to a schedule conflict with new job

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'Your loss 'bro'': Boss guilt trips an all-star employee after he's decidedly absent for a last-minute weekend work retreat, guy quits the next day after lining up a better job opportunity

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'Watching them scramble... was the most hilarious thing': Rideshare driver scares teenagers into fleeing her car

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To save $2,000, penny-pinching Karen chooses a budget handyman over a respectable contractor, pays the price later when he refuses to fix the amateur's mistakes: ‘Not worth my trouble’

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'He would always make fun of [me]... one day he went too far': Construction worker tricks their worst coworker into quitting their job on the spot

Employee quits, then overhears boss talking about ordering a petty goodbye cake for her: 'My last day will be a nightmare'

Employee quits, then overhears boss talking about ordering a petty goodbye cake for her: 'My last day will be a nightmare'

Entitled neighbor uses 300 GB worth of new tenants high-speed data in two weeks, asked for the Wi-fi password before formally introducing herself

‘We had never spoken [before]’: Neighbor greets new tenant for the first time by asking for their Wi-fi password, uses over 300 GB worth of their data in just two weeks

Entitled manager pushes employee to resign, backtracks on their workplace maltreatment and tries to convince her to stay, even though she has already found a better job

‘Never make that mistake again’: Employee resigns after multiple instances of workplace mistreatment, manager backtracks on prior reprimands and refuses to ‘accept’ her two-week notice

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'I'm pretty sure she's complained about everyone with a dog': Entitled neighbor insists HOA control neighbor's grass growth

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New Neighbor encroaches 9 inches over existing boundary, loses 20 feet after landowner orders survey: 'Homeboy should have just let sleeping dogs lie...'

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'The world has one less HOA': Homeowner infiltrates the HOA board, gets elected president, and then dismantles the entire system from the inside

Employee quits job for better opportunity, boss threatens to contact new employer and get them to take back their offer: 'There's a chance I may be stuck here'

Employee quits job for better opportunity, boss threatens to contact new employer and get them to take back their offer: 'There's a chance I may be stuck here'

21+ Best Works Memes for Employees Working the Night Shift This Week

21+ Best Works Memes for Employees Working the Night Shift This Week

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'99% of callers would apologize... the 1% however...": Teenager gets even with belligerent Chinese food customers

'Enjoy the 80 foot double spite wall': Guy builds ugly fence to get even with neighbor's attempts to sabotage his construction work

'Enjoy the 80 foot double spite wall': Guy builds ugly fence to get even with neighbor's attempts to sabotage his construction work