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'It finally happened': Outraged woman calls out doctor's office for asking her to leave a tip

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'You just need to prioritize': Employee told that they need to "prioritize" better after being overworked for years, decides to prioritize their sanity and quits

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'What they don't expect is that my wife...knows their tactics': Cell phone store managers try to upsell customer until he calls in backup

Entitled HOA president gets his after failing to sue smaller HOA because they have individual easements, resulting in getting kicked out of the neighborhood and going bankrupt

‘Lawyer destroys HOA’: New HOA feels entitled to beach property of preexisting HOA, board president gets his after losing two lawsuits and going bankrupt

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'My gut feeling told me to run': First-time homebuyer backs out 3 days before closing after discovering nightmare neighbors next door

Candidate gets offered $15K less than what he's worth, ghosts recruiter, recruiter throws tantrum: 'They lost their minds that I didn't respond to them'

Candidate gets offered $15K less than what he's worth, ghosts recruiter, recruiter throws tantrum: 'They lost their minds that I didn't respond to them'

Entitled neighbor demands family to extend their wall, claims there are "Rivers" in her backyard even though this might be because she refuses to clear out her drainage ditch

Entitled neighbor demands family to extend the wall between their homes or she'll report them to the city, despite the family already having replaced the rotted wall

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'Don't sing Happy Birthday to me: Steamrolling employee intentionally embarrasses her coworker, gets put in her place and publicly shamed by HR

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'[She] returns it again, less polite, visibly irritated': Teen coffee shop worker sets smoke alarms off trying to make customer's bagel the right way

Tradesman does exceptional work but has an extremely bad flatulence problem, homeowners don't know what to do: ‘There has to be some degree of professionalism in this situation, right?’

Tradesman does exceptional work but has an extremely bad flatulence problem, homeowners don't know what to do: ‘There has to be some degree of professionalism in this situation, right?’

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'We notified our managers... We were all told no': Teenage burger restaurant workers call out en masse on prom night

'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

‘Empty everything? You got it!’: Employee cleverly complies with security guard's demands to empty everything in their bag, resulting in line holdup when more employees follow suit

‘Empty everything? You got it!’: Employee cleverly complies with security guard's demands to empty everything in their bag, resulting in line holdup when more employees follow suit

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'[I] watched him storm out the door': Teenager makes entitled customer's milkshake exactly how he wants it

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'I clock in every day [and] play video games or whatever': Employee automates all their work being able to complete their 8-hour work day in 10 minutes from home

‘They got all huffy and left’: Server goes off on boomer guests after they sit themselves at a table and demand service, despite being told repeatedly to wait

‘They got all huffy and left’: Server goes off on boomer guests after they sit themselves at a table and demand service, despite being told repeatedly to wait