Tumblr story of Aliens being afraid of dangerous humans.

Creative Tumblr Thread Imagines Earth As Space Australia from Alien Perspective

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A collection of times that people unintentionally uttered nonsensical words.

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A collection of clever comebacks that nailed it.

Clever Comebacks That Absolutely Nailed It

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Warning signs that are very scary.

Spooky Signs That are Doing Too Good a Job of Being Scary

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School administration demands a kid with cancer take a Spanish test, so the teacher makes it super easy and everyone passes.

School Demands Kid With Cancer Take Final, Teacher Does Him a Solid

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People getting roasted with funny insults.

Savagely Creative Roasts That Scorched Brave Participants

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People share design flaws of the human body.

Stupid Design Screw-Ups of The Human Body

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Guy goes on a date and ends up crying because they watch a movie that was important to him and his ex.

Guy Ends Up Crying His Eyes Out On A Movie Date

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Guy Takes Flight Simulator Way Too Seriously, Gets Trolled

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Apple's 1984 "Big Brother" Advertisement

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Try not to Flinch at This Pitch

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Guy Loses Gangster's Flirty Daughter A Frat Party

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