A collection of moments that made people want to facepalm.

Dismaying And Frustrating Moments Of Pure Facepalm

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A collection of tales from different servers.

Tales From Servers That Have Seen It All

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Clever Puns and dumb jokes that are literal and technically true.

Clever Puns And Dumb Jokes That Are Technically Correct

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Moronic woman believes that honey is bee's blood.

Woman Insists That Honey Is Bee's Blood

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Funny signs and bad design fails.

Stupid and Incomprehensible Signs and Designs

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Hiring managers share the things that got applicants approved or rejected.

Hiring Managers Share What Resumes Got Applicants Rejected Or Approved

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Sign and design fails.

Really Not Good Signs And Designs

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Tweet saying that a family of four struggles on $350K a year gets roasted on Twitter.

Tweet Says Family Of Four Struggles On $350K A Year

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Creepy Behaviors women do that make men uncomfortable.

Creepy Behaviors From Women That Weird Men Out

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Times people being interviewed for jobs wore stupid things.

Really Inappropriate Clothes People Wore to Job Interviews

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Luxury car dealership wants to treat a customer poorly, so they end up washing their car.

Luxury Car Dealership Treats Customer Like Dirt, Ends Up Washing His Car Instead

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Twitter users share various things that are never said in a hospital.

Twitter Users Share Things Never Said In A Hospital

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Chefs share the various red flags that you should keep an eye out for while eating out at restaurants.

Chefs Disclose Red Flags That Customers Should Be Wary Of

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Tumblr thread answers the question how many wafers and wine it would take to eat jesus' body weight.

Tumblr Thread Does The Math On Eating "A Whole Jesus"

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Fails, unfortunate and wtf moments that are bad.

Unfortunate Moments That Threw Folks for A Loop

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A collection of petty revenge cases from Redditors.

Petty Revenges From The Pettiest People

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