Happy and nice facts about animals and life in general.

Happy Facts To Hopefully Counteract all The Messed Up Ones

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Dad wonders if he is wrong for telling step daughter dad joke about him not being her father.

Dad Wonders If He's Wrong For Making Insensitive Dad Joke

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A collection of funny and insane parenting moments from parents that are out of their mind.

Insane Parents That Are Off Their Rocker

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FAIL drunk Awkward ridiculous funny Video - 100067841

Guy Wakes Up In Wrong House, Records Interaction With Homeowners

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redneck life lessons meaningful funny Video - 100067329

Catfish Cooley's Life Lesson Using Two Lighters

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Funny dog profiles that look like human stereotypes.

Accurate Dog Personalities That Hit Close To Home

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Police officer tells funny story about catching a loose cow.

Police Officer Responds to "Cow Fell Out Of Truck" Call, Finds Himself Wrangling Cattle

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Parents that disowned their children share what happened in an AskReddit thread.

Parents That Disowned Their Children Share What Happened

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Dissappointing products people bought after seeing an ad for them.

Disappointing Purchases People Made After Being Misled By Ads

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Guy lies to his co-worker and tells him that he's getting fired, when in fact he's just having a pizza party.

Guy Lies And Tells Co-Worker That He's Getting Fired

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A collection of wise quotes from Star Trek Next Generation's General Picard.

Wise Quotes From Star Trek's General Picard

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A collection of liars getting called out on social media for trying to spread their stupid BS.

Horrible Liars That Got Called Out For Weaving Their Web Of BS

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Guy's Playstation gets hacked so he changes the settings on the hacker's account to make it unusable.

Trucker's Playstation Gets Hacked, So He Makes The Hacker's Account Unusable

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A collection of brutal and clever comebacks from the wordsmiths at Reddit.

Clever Comebacks That Crushed Their Victims

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People that got separated or divorced in a year share when they knew it was a mistake.

Divorcees Share When They Knew It Wasn't Going To Work

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A collection of funny and random customer service memes.

Customer Service Memes That Are Too Real

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