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Researcher Creates Algorithm That Removes Water From Underwater Images

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Firefighters watching the 2018 world cup get a call and leave the stations seconds before their team wins.

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Twitter Users Share Signs That He's A Gentleman

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A collection of blessed and cursed images.

Blursed Images That Are Both Blessed And Cursed

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Man Against The Metric System

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Wrong Way Bicyclist Hits Jaywalking Guy, They Decide It Cancels Out

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Twitter users share various pieces of baby boomer advice that didn't age well.

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Lonely cowboy talks gender roles and dating while bragging about beef.

Twitter Flocks on Cowboy Who Brags About How Much Beef He Gets

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Alex Trebek Has Emotional Moment On Jeopardy

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Plane Skids Off Runway At O'Hare Airport In Snowstorm

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Guy Gets Back At Entitled Driver With A Muddy Car Wash

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