A collection of Twitter users freak out over a creepy possessed baby monitor.

Possessed Baby Monitor Freaks The World Out

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Stories of times people felt actual fear.

Times People Felt Real, Genuine Fear

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Cook overcooks a burger for a bad customer.

Cook Puts an End to Customer's Complaints of Burgers Not Being Cooked Enough

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A collection of AskReddit users share times that they realized they were dating total lunatics.

Women That Mistakenly Dated Psychos

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Twitter users share all the interesting yet useless knowledge they have.

Useless Knowledge That's Interesting Enough To Remember

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Incompetent manager gets called on his BS and quits.

Incompetent Manager Gets Called On His BS, Makes Fool Of Himself and Quits

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AskReddit responses to people talking about interesting psychological facts about humans.

Therapists Share Interesting Psychological Facts About Humans

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Failed attempts, facepalms and stupid moments of failure.

Attempts That Stumbled into a Pile of Fail

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cool satisfying bridge Video win - 100355073

Red Hot Slab Dropped From Bridge Into River, Satisfaction Ensues

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religion FAIL cringe finance ridiculous church Video - 100354561

Megachurch Pastor Tries To Justify Lavish Lifestyle

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Woman's Horrible Artichoke Dip Tortures Hosts On-Air

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A collection of deaf people share their biggest surprises when they gained the ability to hear.

Deaf People That Gained Ability To Hear Share Their Surprises

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A collection of mean tweets read by celebrities that got roasted hard.

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets And Get Scorched

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A collection of Americans share what they don't understand about Europe.

Americans Share What They Don't Understand About Europe

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Funny tumblr post about eccentric 80s guy sightings.

Tumblr User Shares Sightings of Their City's "80s Guy"

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Parent leaves awesome doodle drawings on their kid's lunch bags for school.

Parent Leaves Epic Doodles On Kid's Lunch Bags

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