karens hoa neighbors entitled parents neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors karens in the wild entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 23491845

'THERE'S A HUGE SPIDER LOOSE IN MY HOUSE': Neighbor steals package, gets hairy eight-legged surprise

It's the holiday season, which once meant that you'd venture forth into the world to carefully select gifts for all your loved ones, making sure to get everyone something that they truly desired but wouldn't have bought (or even have been able to find) for themselves— ensuring that they know how much you appreciate them and how special they are in your life. For every father in the world, that's apparently a new shirt and tie for the office and a single pack of boxers to last him until next yea…
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'I ordered 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were [on] sale': Top Karens of 2023

'I ordered 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were [on] sale': Top Karens of 2023

The years may come and go, but the entitlement never ends. Just when you thought Karens were at their worst last year, 2023 came along to remind you that no matter what, these strange birds will always find their way into our lives. They might be demanding to speak to the manager, they might be yelling at their neighbors, and they might be doing both of those things at the same time. This year, some of our top Karen stories include excerpts from unnecessary neighborhood social media group posts…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23231493

'[I cost them an] annual $300k of business': Worker cheated on raise and bonus, costs employer biggest client

The phrase “tripping over dollars to pick up dimes” has become a popular one in the discourse of online workplace discussion, particularly when it comes to employers holding out on overdue raises and earned bonuses from their top workers, though it has other applications too when it comes to other overly drastic cost-cutting measures in the workplace.
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'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

If you are not on the reservation, you don't get a key, simple as that. But one guest's wife found that astoundingly hard to believe when she tried to check in at a hotel where her name wasn't registered. Granted, her husband was staying there, but just because you have a spouse who paid for a room doesn't necessarily mean you get to show up and get served a key on a golden platter. The front desk clerk was just doing their job, as people working in customer service usually are, but you can't w…
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assisted-living-facility, reddit, failblog, toxic-workplace, best-way-to-quit, quitting-in-a-fury, funny-quit-story, satisfying-quit, laughing

‘The place looked barren’: Beloved coworker quits and coworkers encourage her to take back everything she ever bought for the workplace, boss threatens to sue and she laughs in their face

We're humans—we're going to try and make the best of any situation. That includes having to work in horrible conditions because we need the money to pay our rent and bills. The truth is, however, is that you can spruce up your work area as much as you like—put up artwork, throw a rug down here and there, and keep the fridge stocked—but if you aren't being treated well as an employee, you should quit. And that is exactly what this Redditor did after trying her best to make her work situation a c…
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'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 59 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 9 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

This company was great at first, but slowly became too toxic for one employee. Cultivating a professional and pleasant atmosphere in a workplace takes effort from every person in the building. If employees are happy, they'll probably be friendlier, which will make collaboration easy. When employees are dissatisfied at their job, though, cliques start to form between different branches of the business, and employees might harbor resentment towards management . After all, if management is in char…
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'They put me over the edge': Daughter misses Dad and Karen Stepmom's wedding, they never got over it, daughter confronts them years later with no regrets

'They put me over the edge': Daughter misses Dad and Karen Stepmom's wedding, they never got over it, daughter confronts them years later with no regrets

There are certain moments in a family's history that people will never let go of no matter how hard you try. It's that bizarre thing that happens when members of a family construct a strange revisionist narrative of the event that, of course, paints themselves in a great light and another member of the family in a bad one. That's exactly what happened to this Redditor, who shared their story via this thread on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit. When she was 11 years old, she was grieving the l…
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opinion ask reddit workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses karen-customer work movie theater movies askreddit workplace funny karen opinions Popcorn film The Movies - 23470341

'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

Some people do not know how to behave in a movie theater . It seems to be an ongoing problem that's gotten worse post-2020. It's like people were alone for so long during that period that they forgot how to act once they started doing activities outside the house again. Theater patrons have never been perfect. But these days, you can expect to see a half dozen bright cell phone screens in the crowd. It's so strange that people will pay money just to go sit in a theater and stare at their phones…
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'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

There's no greater sign of a toxic workplace than having a coworker looking over your shoulder at all times, waiting to see you mess up. Oftentimes, these are the folks who are threatened by someone else's presence, especially someone they think is the competition. However, just as it was in this situation, the employee did virtually nothing wrong and the coworker was just seeing what they wanted to see. To me, this phenomenon feels reminiscent of high school behavior. I remember when a classma…
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‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, but once they pass, neighbor doesn't leave

‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, she doesn't pay a dime and then refuses to leave

People like to think of themselves as 'good people', and will go to great lengths to prove to themselves and others that they are decent, kind, welcoming, and helpful. Then comes a day when they wish they could take it all back, and that is usually the day when all their kindness comes back to bite them… Hard. In this case, a few roommates heard that their neighbor was being evicted, and it being Thanksgiving, they just didn't think it was right to leave her out in the cold. So, they did what a…
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'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

It's not every day you get a chance to get even with a regular customer who each time they come to eat at your restaurant, is determined to complain until they get their meal comped… Back when I was a waitress, I certainly didn't bump into customers too much outside of work (thankfully). This regular customer in question came to the corporate-style cookie-cutter restaurant that the OP was working at. She would arrive with a frown, eat lunch, and never tip. It was the same thing, every single ti…
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'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

The IRS are not the ones to mess with. Every American has to bend to the IRS's will. They're the ones who require us to do taxes every single year. Sometimes they'll randomly audit you --this happened to me during one year where I made under $35k, which I honestly found hilarious. Surely they could've found a billionaire to audit and rake in that sweet sweet cash, but they really wanted a little more extra moolah from people like me. That's life in America , though. You may not enjoy it, but wh…
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‘I couldn't even look at him': Inconsiderate husband gifts wife vacuum cleaner for Christmas so that she can 'clean his garage'

‘I couldn't even look at him': Inconsiderate husband gifts wife vacuum cleaner for Christmas so that she can 'clean his garage'

There should be an instruction sheet for us poor sheep who are left to wander aimlessly through crowded malls, trying to pick out the perfect Christmas gift for our picky loved ones. Most of us end up buying something that is averaging on the ‘okay’ scale, but this husband went off the deep end when he got his wife a Christmas gift… so that his own garage would stay clean. Though his efficient thought process was faulty, and he did not mean well… Where am I going with this? Nowhere, he's just n…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers influencer karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 23473413

'A meal on the house in exchange for Instagram coverage': 20+ Top Choosing Beggars of the Year (2023)

This world is full of a whole bunch of really great people who are there to support you, encourage you on your way, and want nothing more than for you to thrive. These people may be friends, they may be family, or they might be benevolent strangers who are carrying the light of altruistically looking out for their fellow man.
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'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

Who hasn't messed up an interview before? I'm sure we can all agree that everything is a learning experience, and sometimes you have to learn by making mistakes. We all know that mistakes can build character, blah blah blah, but really? If I could go back, I would erase all the mistakes I made in job interviews. I don't think those mistakes led me to where I am today. I think that this line of thinking borders on delusional. The truth is that sometimes, you don't think before you speak and you…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off workplace Horrible Bosses lay offs employment in the workplace - 23474181

'I was laid off right before raises and bonuses were due': Worker promised raise and bonus, gets fired instead

Some unfortunate situations in life arise out of mere happenstance or coincidence—but when something unfortunate happens to you that seems just a little too conveniently inconvenient, it can be hard to dismiss it as such. Of course, such thinking gives rise to all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy, but when your employer suddenly fires you just before you're set to receive a huge payout—one that they've been dangling on a stick all year like you're some kind of cartoon donkey—it just seems like th…
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