Employee pretends to get fired whenever they deal with angry and entitled customers | AITA pretending get fired customers get temper with Not hole am high schooler with weekend job at coffee shop. My coworkers who work weekends are: James owners son, he goes my school. He's shift manager but 's not real formal thing, he's friendly guy. Danielle college student who sometimes works weekends too.

Employee Gets Fake Fired Around Angry Customers

One way to deal with entitled customers.
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A collection of wins and fails from various people on Tinder | Ravioli 26 Ravioli at Ravioli O Boyardee 8 Ravioli O 30 miles away Just piece ravioli looking be less ravilonely. My Anthem KRUSTY Krusty Krab Pizza Song Spongebob Squ KTOB PILZA SONG Ting Tong | Going through my matches before delete them. Worth keeping or not? Today 9:23 pm Nah babe got mad issues Sent

Tinderers That Kept Things Totally Absurd

Tinderers gonna Tinder.
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People who think they're brilliant talking about how smart they think hey are on the internet | Tweet 1d Important question use heart emoji do use? This is like modern Sorting Hat. O 93 41 Replying professional editor don't use emoji because l can leverage power English language. Little colored blobs do not enhance strength my prose.

Ridiculous Braggarts Who Think They're Brilliant

Alright, we get it, chill out.
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Karen won't move from construction site reserved parking spot, gets blocked in | r/ProRevenge u/BBQLunch 2y JOIN O 2 3 2 "Can't just unload around So this happened earlier today and to0 perfect not share with guys work construction as foreman new house build location is kinda strange house is 250 feet up hill via foot path only. All our materials have come up this foot path by hand s pain ass manually carry, quite literally, an ENTIRE HOUSE up this hill. One our

Karen Parks In Construction Site Reserved Parking, Won't Move, Gets Blocked In

Should've just moved.
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jeff ross roasts hooters workers

Jeff Ross' Funniest Roasts Of All Time

Nobody is safe in a Jeff Ross roast.
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Guy's wife won't shower, so he says that he'll live out of shed until she does | AITA forcing" my wife take shower? She hasn't bathed, changed clothes, or done any household things since Animal crossing/doom released pre-ordered both and few more things her as semi early anniversary gift and she absolutely loves them Too much didn't say word first few days understand excitement but once got close week made bath her and she said she'd get later. Later as 2 hours water cold so she no longer

Guy's Wife Won't Shower, He Says He'll Live In Shed

Trouble in paradise.
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A collection of funny Tinder moments from various people using the app | IMy Bill, 69 O Handy Man Lives Mount WASHING less than mile away single atractive man looking woman cook supper ain't got time no games because work and only have time hanky panky ok woman chose must be fisically fit too, because am pretty much clidesdale ok don't want kids so don't be asking make baby Karen. Macironi and cheese is my favorite food but not Kraft ok. Thanks have Lebaron and Hall and Oats make good music.

Tinder Gems From The Silly World Of Swipes

Tinderers are persistent.
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Funny and interesting conspiracy theories | Iblack_dogl 14.7k points 1 day ago edited 1 day ago line on laundry detergent measuring cup is higher than needs be.

People's Favorite Conspiracy Theories

There's an alternate, and sometimes stupid, explanation for everything.
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Girlfriend buries beans to protect them, breaks up with boyfriend over argument | Posted by u/ThrowRA_BeanDrama 17 hours ago TIFU by demanding my girlfriend show where she buried our beans woods, causing her break up with admit posted version this on relationship subreddit other day, but they closed with no explanation assume because they just decided fake can see they might think but this is true thing happened and is happening, and now there is more because actually got broken up with over .

Girlfriend Buries Beans in Woods, It Escalates

That is some heavy bean drama.
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A collection of totally random, and funny Tumblr gems | ghostdrama love old science fiction because 's all like S DISTANT YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND THREE AND MAN IS EXPLORING DEEP CORNERS UNIVERSE" like god bless old sci-fi had such high hopes us Source: lampblack 362,951 no

Totally Random Tumblr Gems To Occupy Existing

Tumblr pulls through in the clutch.
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People describe their nicest or most unpleasant encounters with celebs | WatchTheBoom 20h 2 Awards ran into Adam Sandler outside Planet Fitness Brooklyn early 2016. As leaving Planet Fitness looked like he walking made eye contact, so stopped and held door him. He got door and stopped right before he walked through one those fake poses little kids make tell them freeze stood there holding door, plenty confused about five seconds just stood there- him, motionless and standing there holding door.

People's Really Nice Or Horrible Celeb Encounters

Paul Rudd sounds like a great dude.
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Dad's daughters want to exclude his new wife from their weddings | AITA tell my daughters won't attend their weddings if they continue snub my wife protect their mom's feelings? Not hole My two younger daughters (27 and 30) are both getting married next year. Their mother and divorced 13 years ago bad breakup caught her an affair but she didn't want divorce. Anyways remarried my current wife 8 years now and very happy have found each other.

Dad's Daughters Want To Exclude His New Wife From Weddings

Whole lot of drama.
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An employee revenges their way into their unethical manager's job position | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/appsarecoolio ly ended up with my bosses job working an advertising agency pretty big one had unethical manager. Well started out had manager who one most unethical managers l've ever dealt with. He'd order his sales reps do things would increase his bonuses (which are based on margins Example say client decided buy product XYZ and their spend 2,000 month he would want agent put up products ABC and

Employee Takes Revenge On Unethical Manager

Job well done.
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Son's shirt says "players gonna play" and Karen proceeds to get offended | Mom ?e! Hey s up? Not much, just got down Yeah same here e So l actually wanted talk about something Yeah? About Well other day at playgroup bit. Unimpressed with wearing.

Son's Shirt Says "Players Gonna Play", Karen Gets Offended

Karen found something new to be mad about.
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AskReddit replies to how Americans feel about switching to the metric system | Thenandonlythen 196d My persuasive speech high school speech class about why should convert, this 20 years ago got good grade but people love multiplying and dividing by 25.4 apparently | CreepiMacaroni 196d S 1 Award bald eagle screech

Americans' Opinions On Switching To The Metric System

Some took it serious, some kept it playful.
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millionaire crashes expensive car and tries to run away

Millionaire Totals Supercar and Tries to Drive Away

Cool, man.
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