'I am far more qualified': Employee loses promotion to newer coworker because of her more 'bubbly' personality

'I am far more qualified': Employee loses promotion to newer coworker because of her more 'bubbly' personality

petty revenge tow tow-truck truck trucks towing car cars thief thieves neighborhood payback revenge revenge-story stories reddit deserved justice

'Justice served': Tow truck driver turns vigilante when thieving kids start stealing catalytic converters, ends up towing their car straight to the junkyard

family drama family aita parents parenting adult children living at home am i the ahole Mother daughter daughters

28-year-old daughter angered mother won't "rewatch" the TV show "Gilmore Girls" with her: 'It is a show about a very entitled and bratty mother and daughter who constantly yell and scream at each other'

karens lobby guests hotel guest hotel front desk demanding tales from the front desk hotel room karens in the wild entitled hotels karen story karen entitled people - 37293829

'Just be a professional, okay?': Hotel front desk employee turns away impolite guest before he can even check in

Man demands neighbor to detach their hose from his water supply after a month of freeloading, neighbors refuse to acknowledge their wrongs

‘My wife only uses like 3¢ of water’: Greedy neighbors freeload off of man's water supply for a month without his knowledge, then throw a fit when he puts his foot down

'In which I prepare a trap': Non-guest trying to steal the complimentary breakfast at a hotel almost gets away with it, until he makes one thought-less mistake

'In which I prepare a trap': Non-guest trying to steal the complimentary breakfast at a hotel almost gets away with it, until he makes one thought-less mistake

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepmother stepparent coparenting

Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

university Professors professor teacher teachers Terrible Teacher group projects homework

Professor demands student presentations adhere to strict schedule, student vows to hold them to their word: 'We’re presenting now, to an empty room, or you’re giving us [a] 100'

server servers lemons server life restaurant server karens drinking water waiter karen-customer karens in the wild karen story karen - 37293061

'I stood up for myself, and I won': Restaurant server tells entitled customer their honest opinion of her drink request, stuns customer

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor hoa members hoa stories hoa scandal homeownership landowner

Homeowner finds a "well loophole" allowing them to leave their HOA by connection to municipal water: 'We rallied 44 people on our street'

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free