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'He was notorious for not listening to students': Teacher uses "unspoken rule" to get back at students, one student involves parents and embarrasses teacher

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'As we discussed, you’re paying': Renters casually suggest a lawn upgrade, landlord plants grass and hits them with a surprise $4.2K invoice

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'I'm tired of his lack of commitment': Retired man gives family business to struggling son, then fires him for entitled behavior and takes it back

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

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Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

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Boss gives manager more work after they complain about their workload which includes covering vacant positions: 'Those employees quit 8 months ago'

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

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'Her attempt to save $5 ended up costing her': Entitled parent lies that her kids are 13 years old to get them into a movie, quickly regrets her decision

'You want a one page assignment? I'll give you a one page assignment': Professor makes college student shorten 11-page document, student maliciously complies

'You want a one page assignment? I'll give you a one page assignment': Professor makes college student shorten 11-page document, student maliciously complies

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'I'm the talk of their office [now]': Lawyer snaps on a feral 7-year-old kid after 'hands-off' parents let them terrorize the entire office building

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16-year-old teen daughter backs out of sister's wedding because she doesn't like the $1000 dress fits, wants mom to pay for it

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'This lady completely flipped from... happy to stone-faced': 60th birthday Karen writes petty note to server after restaurant doesn't give her free food

Toxic corporation threatens employee's jobs security when he refuses to work off the clock, but employee refuses and considers taking issue to another level

Colleague intimidates employee when he refuses to work for free by threatening to write him up and dock his future pay raises, he stands his ground: ‘Not a chance. Pay me’

Entitled boomer gets owned when authorities take gas station clerk's side in a battle of $50 worth of pennies, resulting in the gas station clerk ending up on top

‘But it's legal tender’: Boomer tries to pay for gas with $50 in pennies but gas station clerk refuses, so he throws a fit and coughs up $50 bill when the cops take clerk's side

'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy

'I really have to shake everyone's hand? Okay!': Boss makes sick employee go to important meeting to hand in doctor's note, he maliciously complies to challenge new sick day policy