

Green Day in a Nutshell

albums Chart graph green day - 6453312256
Created by Cake.kid

Bridge Over troubled Waters

Chart pink floyd Roger Waters - 6563366912
Created by Boop

Master of Charts

Chart Master of Puppets metal metallica - 6442336768
Created by Cloud.Strife

A Chart of Jay Z’s Most Mentioned Brands in Songs

Chart Music - 7938056960
Via vanity fair

What Kind of Metal are You Listening To?

Chart - 6547341312

How Do YOU Rank?

Chart genre - 6113405440

Two Hybrids in One, Both Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts

Chart graph guitar keytar piano venn diagram - 6412497664

Lady Gaga Had To Create a Dance Chart

Chart dance - 7769661696

Simplify Your Life, Go Practice

Chart graph practice practicing - 6063234304
Created by NotoriousGidg

A (Fri)day in the Life

beatles Chart comparison FRIDAY graph Rebecca Black - 5801503744
Via Graph Jam

A Graph About 'Grouplove'

Chart graph - 6824051200

Name That Genre! Metal Edition

Chart flowchart genre metal - 6126016512

This Chart Could Be Muse-ful

albums Chart graph muse - 6426054144

And You Thought 'Call Me Maybe' Had Gotten Out of Control

call me maybe Chart gangnam style graph - 6599119616

The Lyrical Themes of Morrissey

Music Chart lyrics - 7879332608
Via brian ikeda

This Is Your Brain on ______ Music

Chart genre indie metal pop - 6304634112
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