
FAIL customers Starbucks florida win politics - 79316737

If You're the Governor of Florida, You Should Probably Have Someone Else Get Your Coffee For You

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Same Tricks, Different Outcomes: FAIL vs WIN!

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Who Doesn't Love it When Kids Say The Darndest Things?

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This is Easily the Classiest Way to Respond to a Wrong Text Birth Announcement

Landlord tries keeping security deposit, loses in court and is told to re-sod their own lawn | Posted by u/Clintosaurus_Rex 11 hours ago Landlord Tries Keep Security Deposit Ummm, No oc M About 10 years ago, my at--time girlfriend (now wife) and moved area went college an apartment near where planned start our careers say an apartment, but really basement house landlord had walled off create 2 "apartments rent place kinda crappy, but rent cheap area, and were close work.

Judge Orders Slimy Landlord to Re-Sod Their Own Lawn

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Living Legend Pulls off Absolutely Insane Golf Shot That Goes Down Stairs and Across 9 Pool Tables

Gordon Ramsay enjoys his food for a change

Gordon Ramsay Eats The Perfect Sausage Roll

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This Anchorman Has One Job, But This Pig's Punny-Name is Causing Him to Crack-Up Laughing Instead

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After One Rider Tries to Steal Another's Purse, This Bus Driver Delivers Some Justice

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Never Risk That Who You're Double Parked Behind isn't Crazy Rich Enough to Not Give a F*ck and Destroy Your Car

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Guy Handwrites Entire Script to 'Bee Movie' For His Girlfriend, In Most Romantic Gesture of 2016

Neighbor gets hostile with Grandpa, so Grandpa teaches the neighbor a lesson | r/MaliciousCompliance u/[deleted 1y Join 1 3 3 Neighbor tells Gramps he should "mind his own damn business advice costs neighbor most his yard and car. L Gramps had just moved into retirement park with lot backed up county land nature preserve. His backyard basically non-existent, but he didn't mind as he got look out over preserve, however he did marvel at his next door neighbor's backyard extended good 8ft past his

Neighbor Gets Hostile With Gramps, Gramps Teaches Neighbor A Lesson

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British Guy Makes His Own Giant Floppy Selfie Stick and Takes the Worst Selfie With It

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Watch This Fish Pull off a Miracle as It Comes Back to Life at the Worst Possible Moment

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Watch Eminem Prove There Are Plenty of Words That Rhyme With Orange For One Amazing Feat

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If Using Your Selfie-Stick in Public is Shameful, This Creepy Product Is For You