star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

Funny webcomics of Hey Man You See That Guy OVer There memes, a lot of them have to do with anime, gaming, video games, skyrim, nintendo, xbox,.

Best Of: Hey Man You See That Guy Over There?

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C3P-Nope Not Even Close Enough

Funny memes about Darth Vader saying "It is acceptable" lol dank memes, relatable, spicy memes | Fills cat's bowl with food Cat Doesn't like Gently shakes bowl Cat IS ACCEPTABLE. made with mematic | Waiter messes up order ,acting nice and trying not hurt their feelings

'It Is Acceptable' Memes Feature Darth Vader And Amusing Exceptions

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Watching People Hyped for The Phantom Menace Will Make You so Nervous for the Force Awakens

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Somebody Didn't Pick Up on the Laser Tag Naming Scheme

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Bad Lip Reading Takes on 'The Empire Strikes Back' and Makes Yoda Sing a Song About Annoying Seagulls

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Disney Won't Admit They've Made Any Mistakes with Star Wars, Even Misspelling Mark Hamill's Name

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Blending in FAIL

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Wrong Star Dimension FAIL

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K Pop Dancing is Already Tricky, But Try Dancing on a Slippery Stage for Added Difficulty

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36 Miscellaneous Memes For Your Exceedingly Bored Mind

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Clever Use of Resources FAIL

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This Darth Vader is About to Find His Limited Vision Disturbing

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Did This Happen in Star Wars or in Florida? The Cast Can't Always Tell, But Maybe You'll Have Better Luck

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Is it Too Late Now to Say Watch Out!?

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It Turns Out School Officials Don't Appreciate Stormtroopers Patrolling Outside Their Campuses