FAIL Nation


Dad refuses to accept defeat, so an amusement park employee takes their petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge u/TheGreatPinoy 2y Join work at an amusement park, guests are rude but here's my favourite story work at an amusement park and run games there ones people always assume are rigged but reality just really hard. At my amusement park however have hockey game has 4 targets and have try and hit those targets 60 seconds get prize depending on fast can hit all four. Anyways, this family walks up

Dad Refuses To Accept Defeat, Amusement Park Employee Goes Full Petty

A good old Canadian amusement park.
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Never Take up More Than One Spot

cars douchebag parkers parking revenge - 7960720128
A CEO doesn't understand how departments work so he brings in a Karen that messes it all up | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/ACFF 1y CEO didn't understand my department did apparently L Update at bottom. Thanks so much up votes and silver, gold and platinum really didn't think this would take off like this. Some backstory general troubleshooter my company. My job involved lot travelling different clients support. My area work is Ontario, Canada (where am based out and some nearby States United

CEO Doesn't Understand What Departments Do, Karen Catastrophe Ensues

CEO should've left things as they were.
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FAIL revenge prank Video - 81225985

Careful, Drive-Thru Pranks Can Have a Cold Ending

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Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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grandma refuses to learn grandson's name so grandson says her name wrong | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/notmyname2020_ AITA calling my grandma by wrong name until she gets my name right? Not hole This has going on since forever so decided do something 16m) half Mexican my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. Ngl most my mom's family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. My grandma on my mom's side never liked my dad and happy

Grandma Won't Learn Grandson's Name So He Mispronounces Hers

It's the least one could do.
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Girl tries to scam tenant out of rent money, and ends up paying thousands | r/ProRevenge u/Infinite_Number 1d Join 1 1 1 1 Try scam out rent money? Have fun paying back six times amount, losing all friends, and getting exposed lies Obligatory "not sure if this qualifies as pro but is definitely step above petty ultimate result did give immense satisfaction see this girl try scam fail terribly, and have face financial, social, and legal consequences. tl;dr at end, since this is long one. This

Girl Tries To Blackmail Tenant, Ends Up Paying Thousands

Nice try, Wendy.
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Manager lays off a third of the team, expects remaining people to work harder, and it backfires | r/ProRevenge Join u/gaarmstrong318 1d 3 O1 S 1 2 Lay off third team and expect us work harder will see about So this happened sometime 2010's somewhere UK s all revealing worked medium sized PLC small team worked with sales department getting quotes had previously worked another team different department same company as well. This also includes elements malicious compliance l'll post this there as

Manager Fires Third Of Team, Expects Them To Work Harder, It Backfires

Manager had no idea what they were doing.
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Entitled coworker gets humbled and learns lesson on Christmas Day. | r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal 2y Join Merry Christmas quit. Quite few years ago moved into house with few my best friends. One my friends got job with her at local gas station within walking distance our house and thought pretty set with my new arrangement living with my best friends, able walk work and job should have been one easiest positions ever held is, until met my coworker Jane worked nights didn't get too many customers

Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, Jane.
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Landlord tries keeping security deposit, loses in court and is told to re-sod their own lawn | Posted by u/Clintosaurus_Rex 11 hours ago Landlord Tries Keep Security Deposit Ummm, No oc M About 10 years ago, my at--time girlfriend (now wife) and moved area went college an apartment near where planned start our careers say an apartment, but really basement house landlord had walled off create 2 "apartments rent place kinda crappy, but rent cheap area, and were close work.

Judge Orders Slimy Landlord to Re-Sod Their Own Lawn

Ah yes, justice.
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French stepmom complains and leaves no tip, doesn't get breakfast | Posted by u/AQuietBorderline 14 hours ago E 27e10 3 13 E 13 My French Stepmother Learns Hard Way Americans Can Cook oc XL This happened today and my brother and are still are laughing about except Gabrielle (said stepmother) and Dad (who is embarrassed Dad came into town visit my brother (let's call him Mark) and few days and brought Gabrielle with him. Gabrielle has her good traits but she does have this one really nasty trait.

Entitled Stepmom's A Monster To Diner Staff, Kids Take Revenge

Here's your fancy breakfast, lady.
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Auction winner won't pay up, so they learn their lesson the hard way | r/ProRevenge Join u/Ryan_is_my_real_name 2y 1 Win my auction and not pay? Oh trust going pay! TL;DR: at bottom make art as hobby. Metal sculptures only sell them need bit money something had holiday coming up so listed one here on TradeMe (an auction site 1 reserve auction lasted 10 days and piece got quite bit interest time with lots people adding their watchlist and bidding on

Auction Winner Won't Pay, Learns Their Lesson

Should've just paid on up.
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Scoop Your Poop, or Get Pooped On

warning sign revenge oh god why g rated fail nation - 8414080768
Via Metro

The Ultimate Parking Revenge

Via tsunamitime
Some sleazy brokers run their firm like a candy store, so the IT guy they fire takes revenge | r/ProRevenge Join u/Floridatrashburner Lie, Cheat, Layoff and Gamble with our wages, enjoy no department. Lurker finally coming out share. Years back worked as Director small brokerage firm. These types places try run lean so also ONLY personnel took job, but bit under-qualified if am being truthful reason they gave because young, and they thought they could underpay They were right 10k more than

IT Guy Takes Revenge On Sleazy Brokers

Don't mess with the IT guy.
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Employee gets a translator fired for them insisting on being difficult. | r/ProRevenge Join u/ROKexpat 1d got our translator fired working job had operating one our offices overseas would have business expenses, and those receipts would be language country were obviously. Those expenses were things like printer ink, office equipment, cleaning services, marketing costs, all pretty standard stuff. Well around this time got new VP over our region who worked out head office LA. This VP came up with

Employee Gets Karen Translator Fired For Being Difficult

Sweet, sweet justice.
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