FAIL Nation


customer realizes they've been scammed 6 years later | u/kingsooraj 7 hours ago TIFU by realising got scammed 6 years ago M So this happened 6 years ago. My laptop with 8 GB RAM stopped working so showed repair guy. He took laptop, repaired and returned after 2 days laptop started working again and really happy. However speed felt slower than before. Previously could open multiple chrom tabs and still be able play games while they were open but now would drop lot frames and my laptop would start

Customer Realizes They Were Scammed 6 Years Later

Better late than never?
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crazy Facebook posters

28 Crazy Facebook Posts That Are Out Of This World Insane

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Funny memes, relatable memes, funny tweets, dank memes, stupid memes, prehistoric memes, lockdown memes, office memes, kelly kapoor, twitter memes, coronavirus, depression memes | Mindy Kaling ever since l've been working home Guess who just became cutest girl office? | jokingly flirting with girl Girl friends with scared as Her flirting back do next Danghamomos Lion King 2 Kiara and Kovu

47 Scrollable Memes For Maximum Relaxation

Memes = self care.
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Tumblr Thread on the collateral damage the Mythbusters caused | switch-up-snowfox Follow Oh cannonball ain't nothin compared esparto incident. nate2247 Follow now switch-up-snowfox Follow They were testing phrase "knock socks off" and because its mythbusters build team (which consists 3 boom addicted gremlins) they decided go quarry near Esparto california test myth by blowing shit up. This time they got 500 pounds ANFO detonation pretty damn big.

Tumblr Thread: Collateral Damage Caused by Mythbusters

Sometimes things got out of hand.
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funny puns, clever dad jokes and memes | tawdry hepburn [dumb bitch hour eraserheadbabby my friend gave birth her car on way hospital and her husband named kid Carson and if don't think 's best dad joke ever get out my face | Planes were invented 1903 Trains were invented 1804 Babies before 1804 :

Dad Jokes, Puns and Other Clever Memery

Bring it on.
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Boss orders office demolition with forklift and it goes wrong | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Naige2020 Drive forklift through oC M This may take while relate but lot happened working as Warehouse Manager pharmaceutical\cosmetic company. Our premises part large industrial complex had been walled off into three smaller buildings had three different businesses occupying them. My office free standing building inside warehouse about size shipping container. My company process

Boss Demands Demolished Office, Gets More than That

Unclear intentions make great big expenses.
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Tumblr thread on customers crazy coffee orders | say this jokingly but had customer actually order pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots espresso (also no whip) and asked her verify she did indeed want 9 shots espresso she looked dead eyes and said have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean once had woman come and ordered an Americano with 19 shots espresso drink took ages held up line asked

Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

It's some kind of monster.
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perfect summer memes that will not cool you off in this heat, but might help you forget about the humidity

The Perfect Summer Memes To End The Summer With

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Funny mistakes and failures | These are cafe syrups NOT Hand Sanitizer Thank | Exhibit why mount these on wall. shattered flat screen tv on the floor

Multi-Flavored Moments of Failure and Chaos

Every failure is an opportunity to learn, or something.
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pretty women making ugly faces | attractive girl posing and same girl crossing her eyes and making a silly face

Pretty Women Making Not So Pretty Faces

It's a story of transformation.
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social media posts from people who think they're brilliant | SHOULD DISCLOSE MY IQ MY MANAGER afraid l'll trigger some insecurity him and he'll start looking reasons get rid Whenever he assigns task, he acts proud himself thinking he's keeping busy next few weeks. He actually looks disappointed done with assignment by following morning. He can't keep busy, and seem be frustrating him because My IQ test came back with score 146, higher than 99.9 population can be really dumb many areas, but

Cringey Brain-Lords Trying Way Too Hard to Seem Intelligent

Oh boy we've got a big brain coming through.
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funny memes, random memes, dank memes, shitposts, funny, memes, 2020 memes, dogs, cats, stupid memes | Benadryl Allergy can't sneeze if unconscious | Report: Florida man arrested tossing gator into Wendy's by: Jonathan Tully, Palm Beach Post Updated: Feb 8, 2016 5:46 PM Joshua James II

44 Random & Funny Internet Things For Short Attention Spans

Hallelujah for memes
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interesting and valuable things people found in the trash | Handwriting - Duck-Yo-Couch 2 days ago Once I found a perfectly good stationary bike that my neighbors threw out that I cleaned up then used for years. Can't believe this day comes only 52 times a year.

The Best Stuff People Found In The Garbage

One person's trash is another person's very valuable, useful trash.
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some real self importance titans

15 Self Important Mind Titans Who Really Brought the Intellectual Heat

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scammer found out by IP address | sake my daughter AA can be sure u gonna give back? Imma give back on Tuesday promise swear on my kid area do u live do she need Tavon replied do she need? She's not feeling good

Persistent Scammer Foiled by IP Check

This guy was given too much benefit of a doubt.
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bad baby names people had to be talked out of naming their kids

Dumb Baby Names People Had To Be Talked Out Of

"Meet my son, Power Rangers Johnson."
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