FAIL Nation


Umm Honey, How Many Quarters Do You Have?

Via SlimJones123

Blaming The Cat FAIL

animals fail nation gifs g rated Hall of Fame Image ouch working out - 5797580544

What, He's Just Trying to Crack the Ice!

ice gifs whoops - 8237982208
Via Senor GIF

Totally Meant to do That

whoops gifs gymnastics fail nation g rated - 8417175040
Via mlkshk

*Bonk* FAIL

animated bonk football gifs Image soccer sports - 6538118656

Just a Little More to the Left...

gifs construction dangerous demolition - 8085524480

Shootin' FAIL

gifs Image recoil shotgun - 6273896960
Via NikNaks Blog

Pole Vaulting FAIL

gifs sports pole vault whoops - 6685394688

Leave Trust Falls to the Professionals

ouch gifs trust fall - 8149506304
Via bobbyreill

Anyone Who Thinks Curling is Boring Hasn't Seen This Russian Player Faceplant on the Ice

only in russia sports gifs Sochi 2014 - 8060326144
Via Mashable

Action Shot

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Via Brown Cardigan

Didn't Think That One Through, Did You?

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Via fakhype

Eating on the Go FAIL

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Yikes! FAIL

gifs Hall of Fame Image prank statue - 6187996928
script for bee movie

Guy Handwrites Entire Script to 'Bee Movie' For His Girlfriend, In Most Romantic Gesture of 2016

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Cruising into Second Like Welp

Via 1mov5o

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