FAIL Nation


Friendly Game of Sport-Ball FAIL

gifs bros football not what it looks like Hall of Fame best of week - 6827378432

Even the Dolphins at Sea World Want You to Stop Taking Pictures With Your iPad

funny fail video dolphin at sea world steal woman's iPad
Via Deklyn Kai

Who Wants Cake? FAIL

cake gifs Image swimming pool table - 6440658944

Pipe-Cutting FAIL

gifs explosion - 6770364928

Chain Reaction FAIL

Dominoes gifs disappointment - 6837316096

Cruising into Second Like Welp

Via 1mov5o

Ready, Set, Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiishing!

Via IWantToLiveInUSA

Time for a Lunch Break?

ouch whoops gifs - 8414107392
Via Akagiyama

Paying Attention FAIL

gifs Image ouch - 6109495808

It Started Off so Cool...

whoops gifs motorcycle fail nation - 8278868992
Via massivevivid

Cliff Jumping FAIL

gifs Image lake rocks - 6277095680

There are Ups and Downs With Being a Human Skipping Stone

gifs summer ouch whee - 8236862720
Via Parislovechild

Copycat FAIL

escalator falling gifs Image wheelchairs - 6368869888
Via Reddit

That's Not How You Use That Machine

FAIL gifs exercise fail nation g rated - 7041720064

Accidental Dropkick FAIL

ouch FAIL gifs - 6827836416

That Will Buff Out, No Worries

douchebag parkers gifs cars parking fail nation g rated - 8363343360
Via Epileptic_Ebola

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