FAIL Nation


Leave That One for the Kids Next Time

ouch gifs swing - 8185656832
Via Paiste402

Pedo Captcha FAIL

captcha gifs pedobear wtf - 5985407744


animated bros gifs ouch whoops - 6545179136

That Horse Has a Black Belt

ouch gifs right in the face horse g rated fail nation - 8414858752
Via Bits and Pieces

Following the Leader FAIL

baseball gifs Hall of Fame mascot - 6348299776

Closing Your Hands FAIL

gifs headshot ouch television - 5773255936

Confirmed: That's a Durable Board

ouch skateboarding gifs right in the face - 8185657856
Via MarkovManiac

That's an Illegal Hit

gifs dodgeball ouch - 8106641152

You Thought You Beat the Prank? NOPE.

gifs ouch prank - 8334263296
Via kdanson

Get Cheesed Upon, Son!

cheese gifs prank weird - 8385568512
Via Brown Cardigan

Scraping the Roof FAIL

gifs roof whoops snow animated - 6750156544

Whatever Floats Your FAIL Boat

Via HecklerandK0

Beware the Kitty-Fu!

gifs Cats dangerous fail nation g rated - 8382556928
Via Icon47

Treadmill FAIL

gifs treadmill - 6396660992

Slowest FAIL Ever

falling gifs ouch swing wtf - 5601437952

Police Dog Training FAIL

FAIL gifs dogs police - 6745890304
Created by _C_A_T_

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